View Full Version : NPR Streaming Excerpts from Springsteen's "The Promise"

November 2nd, 2010, 08:24 PM
Here is an article about the upcoming album, and links to the streams.
I have not listened yet, but thought I would go ahead and post.

I watched a little film on HBO a couple weeks ago that talked about this project, and the time it came from. They are songs that were written between "Born to Run" and "Darkness on the Edge of Town", during which time Springsteen was involved in a lawsuit with his then manager, which apparently hampered him from releasing a lot of this music at the time. "Darkness" was a much more stripped down, angrier album than BTR, maybe as a result. The bit of the film I saw looked cool, and I want to see more.

Anyway, these songs did not make "Darkness" which Bruce said he wanted stripped down and angry, "It's a reckoning with the adult world ... with a life of limitations and compromises.". These songs are reportedly often the polar opposite and upbeat, and influenced strongly by Elvis, who died during the time they were written, Orbison, Phil Spector, Buddy Holly "with lyrics delivered with a punk rock sneer" and others. Should be interesting!

November 6th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Check out the video here. Very cool! I always liked "Sherry Darling" from "The River" and here is where it was born.
