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View Full Version : Singer is a 3D hologram - so sad

November 12th, 2010, 02:55 AM
Isn't it sad what's going on lately? The first time I heard about hologram concerts was a few weeks ago. At a worldchampionship box fight, Linkin Park was supposed to play. As the fight was on a saturday and the singer is of strong jewish blieve he couldn't "work" and they supposed to perform from their American home via 3D hologram. Fortunately, this didn't happen.

Now I've seen that there is this 3D hologram rockband in...guess where....JAPAN...and the crowds fill the arenas.

I don't wanna appear here being the anti modern technology guy. It's not like that, I just fear that the following generations are losing too much touch with the "real thing".

Here's the article:

November 12th, 2010, 05:31 AM
Auyh, I agree but it can't be helped.

Sad as it may seem, I have always believed that the way to go for humanity is ultimately to transform ourselves to computers & get rid of the mortal coils.

I just read this very good article in which some scientists debated what kind of life we will likely to meet once we find another one, I mean, extra-terrestial intelligence, and they also felt that the most likely thing to encounter is more or less an artificial life-form that has transcended the barriers of flesh.

It only makes sense - planets and suns only linger on a short while in cosmic sense, and there is not enough time for mortal beings to reach the stars. If we were to receive a broadcast from somewhere at lightspeed, by the time our reply could be heard, the original 'world' it came from would have likely been gone supernova or died otherwise already.

The distances in the space are simply so immense even with lightspeed there is no possibility ever to survive for very long for any species, planet or whatever, unless they can transform into something that isn't touched by time or radiation or such - hence, some sort of machinery/computer.

November 12th, 2010, 06:10 AM
I'd rather see a real live performer, but if the music is such a generic pop style I wouldn't go see it anyway. The technology is wonderful, however. It's just not something I care for.
It would eliminate the need for the little drama queen pop diva types, though.

You are right about the younger crowd missing out, I tell my children about things they've missed out on, but they don't seem to care about the old days and old ways. They're more interested in today and tomorrow, usually.

November 12th, 2010, 09:21 AM
Well, maybe seeing Linkin Park without actually seeing Linkin Park would be an improvement.

November 12th, 2010, 09:33 AM
When I see a good show I want to feel the sweat and spit from the performer. How's that going to happen with a hologram? Bunch of sissies afraid to sweat. Pah! :french

Well, maybe seeing Linkin Park without actually seeing Linkin Park would be an improvement.

I think you are probably thinking Limp Bizkit? Linkin Park isn't too bad. :dude

November 12th, 2010, 09:38 AM
HAH! "Arthur" from PBS is prophetic!


The kids discover the band is a holograph at 4:46.

I think the episode is from the mid to late 90s.

November 12th, 2010, 10:26 AM
I think you are probably thinking Limp Bizkit? Linkin Park isn't too bad. :dude
Either one. Actually, I'd rather have a hologram of me see them so I wouldn't have to.

November 12th, 2010, 10:32 AM
I would have read this article but that would mean I have to stop texting and may involve personal interaction!:D :confused: Maybe I can send a Hologram text!

November 12th, 2010, 12:11 PM
Either one. Actually, I'd rather have a hologram of me see them so I wouldn't have to.
