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View Full Version : Building a Tele

November 30th, 2010, 09:39 PM
Hi, out there!

As if I didn't already have enough frustration, I've decided to try to build me a telecaster out of spare parts.

What I need now is a sequencing plan, i.e., what to buy first, second, etc; how to proceed with the project, finishing guidance, wiring, (never held a soldering iron in my life!). I am completely clueless, but a willing, albieit naive spirit, in need of any and all of your insights.

In the words of the Cowardly Lion, "Talk me out of it.":thumbsup


December 1st, 2010, 11:12 AM
Not gonna talk you out of it... In fact, I'm gonna encourage you to build that Tele!

A partscaster build is something I've wanted to do for a while now, but have lacked the fundage. I have no guidance to offer, as I've never done a build, but there are tons of resources out there for building. For teles, look at www.tdpri.com. They have a subforum for nothing but Tele builds, both from scratch and from parts.

December 1st, 2010, 03:00 PM
As far as guitar builds go, I would suspect that a Tele would be a good place to start (hey, it's just a plank of wood with some strings, right?)

If gathering parts, give serious consideration to Warmoth necks - they rock! Pricey new, but deals abound if you are patient. Good luck. Can't wait to see pictures!!