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December 8th, 2010, 09:14 AM
One of those "I remember what I was doing when I heard..." kind of days.

I was a sophomore in high school. We didn't learn of his death until the next morning. Our homeroom teacher was a Beatles fan and was visibly shaken when he told us. Some kids never had a connection I guess. Not me... I grew up listening to Beatles music quite a bit since my jazz singing Dad actually loved them. It felt like something was ripped from my soul.


December 8th, 2010, 09:25 AM
I remember that day too. I was a senior in High School. They played John Lennon and Beatles songs all day and the teachers allowed us to listen to stereos in class. Unprecedented. Needless to say I was very sad that day as I grew up with the Beatles. R.I.P. Johnny.

December 8th, 2010, 09:28 AM
One of those "I remember what I was doing when I heard..." kind of days.

I was a sophomore in high school. We didn't learn of his death until the next morning. Our homeroom teacher was a Beatles fan and was visibly shaken when he told us. Some kids never had a connection I guess. Not me... I grew up listening to Beatles music quite a bit since my jazz singing Dad actually loved them. It felt like something was ripped from my soul.

I was a sophomore too. I wasn't a Beatles fan, and barely knew who Lennon was. It wasn't till much later that I realized what the world lost with his murder.


December 8th, 2010, 09:33 AM
6 years ago today Dimebag Darrel was shot to death on stage.

December 8th, 2010, 09:53 AM
I was ten years old in 1980 and already a big Beatles' fan thanks to two parents who loved the Beatles.

At that point in my life, all of my grandparents and older relatives were still alive so Lennon's murder was the first time death really affected me in any way.

December 8th, 2010, 10:15 AM
I was 17, and was in High School at Bellarmine Prep in Tacoma. It was a stunning day. My visual memory was that though I did not smoke, I spent time in and outside section of campus where students were allowed to smoke (can you believe it?) hanging with other music fans talking about it. I also had not been affected much by death at that time.

Though I was conflicted about John as I stated in the docu thread, I was tremendously saddened by his loss, and was only then starting to awaken to the fact that the world was not generally like my quite pleasant childhood. I could not understand why someone would shoot someone who so clearly wanted peace and love in this world.

December 8th, 2010, 12:41 PM
I walked out of work as soon as I heard it on the radio. I told them not to expect me back that day. The whole day my head was in a fog. I went for a long hike in the badland hills of Montana. Yes it was cold. It was December for the love of Pete. I bought Double Fantasy that afternoon. It was so good. I was so sad.

December 8th, 2010, 01:48 PM
At the time, a lover and I were quite into each other, and John's death was quite striking in the context of our relationship. She gave me a copy the Joy of Cooking as a gift at the time, and I wrote something about John's passing on the backcover of the book.

(Funny, we now have a few copies (yard sales!) of the JoC around the house, and I have to be careful not to pull THAT one out to look something up...!)

December 8th, 2010, 02:40 PM
I was 3 when Lennon passed. Cant honestly say I was a huge fan, as the years roll on I find myself listening to more and more of his stuff though.

However, 8 years ago I almost broke down in tears. Dime was a huge influence in my life. Pantera was the metal band that grabbed me by my go nads twisted and never let go. Im so happy Vinnie Paul found his new family within Hell Yeah and continues to rock the way he should. Tonight after my son falls asleep I will be pouring 2 glasses of Black Tooth Grin, and watching Dimevison Vol 1. Im sure I'll wake up with a glass still full, but on a day like today you have to pour one for Dime, and watch out for fireworks!! Getcha Pul!!

I mentioned Dime because while I cant say I feel exactly the same as you guys about John. I do feel the same about Dime as you do John.

December 9th, 2010, 09:43 AM
a bunch of us are with a couple years of age. Makes sense.

I turned 14 the day he was shot. I was in school, excited, as a kid is on his birthday, and I remember the moment that an announcement was made on the intercom that he had been killed and there would be music playing in the cafeteria all day. WE just stared at the speaker on the wall and at each other. For me, like a lot of kids my age with older siblings, the Beatles had been a daily part of my life soundtrack (I'm youngest of 4, they're 6,7,8 years older) Blew everyone away. I could reconstruct every inch of that classroom right now if I had to, it's that vivid. All the sudden, my birthday was an afterthought, which is saying something when you're 14. Love him or hate him, he's a cultural giant for hundreds of millions of people.

December 9th, 2010, 09:50 PM
I'm basically more sad that when Dimebag died, so did 4 other people but no one ever seems to refer to the event in that light.

These people has an effect on our lives, but don't blow it out of proportion.