View Full Version : Drum and bass functions

December 8th, 2010, 06:18 PM
I have been having problems sleeping lately, and I invariably listen to radio..(*)

Recently I caught this: "...bass is keeper of the groove, drummer keeps the time.."


BTW, I go through phases where I am mesmerized by bass players, then a few days later it is drummers' turn.. I love them all!

(*) .... and can't remember a darn thing the next day, including a superb recent interview with a woman who wrote a book about the bank foreclosure mess.

December 8th, 2010, 06:38 PM
As a bass player, I think that pretty well sums it up.

December 8th, 2010, 08:06 PM
It should read "...a good bass player is keeper of the groove, and a good drummer keeps the time..". Because a great bass player and a great drummer are so much more.

Ya know the old joke "Who's that hanging out with the musicians? Oh, that's the drummer." (or "bass player"). Great drummers, in truth, are musicians 1st, time-keepers as a by-product. Same with bass players.

Just my opinion, but you know I'm right :)

December 9th, 2010, 10:09 AM
It's all about the drummer. Have a crappy drummer? Then you'll have a crappy band. I don't think any one player has more influence over the overall success of a band. My props go to the drummer. Then, if you have a bass player who has any sense of pocket, things can end up being pretty good. The bassist doesn't even need to know a lot of notes to make it work. Of course a good bassist is a Godsend.

December 9th, 2010, 10:54 AM
It's all about the drummer. Have a crappy drummer? Then you'll have a crappy band. I don't think any one player has more influence over the overall success of a band. My props go to the drummer. Then, if you have a bass player who has any sense of pocket, things can end up being pretty good. The bassist doesn't even need to know a lot of notes to make it work. Of course a good bassist is a Godsend.

My sentiments exactly!

I've said it many times that it all begins with the drummer.

And a good drummer facilitates good bass playing. On the flip side though, working with a bad drummer makes it very difficult to play decent bass.

December 9th, 2010, 11:06 AM
And a good drummer facilitates good bass playing. On the flip side though, working with a bad drummer makes it very difficult to play decent bass.
Agreed. It all starts with the drummer. I heard a band once where it seemed like only the bass player actually was playing in time. Everybody else was all over the place. The band sounded like they were always on the verge of falling apart because, well, they were.

If you think that description also fits Van Halen, you are exactly right.

December 9th, 2010, 11:59 AM
Agreed. It all starts with the drummer. I heard a band once where it seemed like only the bass player actually was playing in time. Everybody else was all over the place. The band sounded like they were always on the verge of falling apart because, well, they were.

Marnold, you should have introduced yourself at our show, I would have bought you a beer.

I didn't know you made it up this way.

December 9th, 2010, 01:12 PM
So.. you are all buying your drummer some flowers, or a box a chocolate for next reheasal/show...?

That's gonna hurt the bass player's feelings.

(I have been painting a room, and there are still fumes in the paint despite what the can says...!)

December 9th, 2010, 01:57 PM
So.. you are all buying your drummer some flowers, or a box a chocolate for next reheasal/show...?

That's gonna hurt the bass player's feelings.

(I have been painting a room, and there are still fumes in the paint despite what the can says...!)

My feelings wouldn't be hurt!

For a solid drummer, I'd be getting him/her the best microwbrews, single-malt scotch, whatever to keep him/her happy.

Um, it might be a better idea to do the painting in the summer...

December 9th, 2010, 02:35 PM
For a solid drummer, I'd be getting him/her the best microwbrews, single-malt scotch, whatever to keep him/her happy.

"You see officer, we HAD to have these friendly groupies for King Tut, our drummer, or he would start s*cking, and then the whole tunes fall apart.."

December 9th, 2010, 05:03 PM
It's all about the drummer. Have a crappy drummer? Then you'll have a crappy band. I don't think any one player has more influence over the overall success of a band.
Hells yeah. I am very very fortunate to be playing with a couple of amazing drummers right now. I keep trying to remind myself how that won't always be the case.

December 9th, 2010, 11:06 PM
It's all about the drummer. Have a crappy drummer? Then you'll have a crappy band. I don't think any one player has more influence over the overall success of a band.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I'd say a good drummer keeps both the time and the groove. A bass player that knows how to stay in the pocket can certainly help define that groove, but without the drummer, at some point the bottom will drop out (literally and figuratively).