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View Full Version : OT: Hardware to record an old-timer memories..?

December 10th, 2010, 07:56 AM
A family friend is an old-time garage mechanic, and has tons of funny and interesting stories about the garage business back in the forties (folks used to pay 5 bucks to keep their batteries at the garage over winter!)

I would like to record him telling these stories, in audio only.

Best hardware that does not break the bank?
Note that I have a near-orphaned Powerbook G4 and I could dedicate this machine to that, possibly(?)

How to set this up, right-wise, so that he, or his heirs, would be the sole beneficiary to anything that *may* come out of it? My purpose is mostly to capture the material before it is too late, as I love the guy, and the stuff is full of vignettes of the era.

I would also want his family to be aware of the project.