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View Full Version : Nbd....

December 26th, 2010, 11:48 AM
Well new to me anyways. Finally after what seems like forever I found someone on CL intrested in my Peavey 5 string. After the negotiations was finished I came home with a 2006 Fender Standard Precision in Metallic Blue. He tried to pass it off as a 60th anniversary cos of the medallion on the back of the head stock. But my research showed all 2006 models came with this, even some 2007's. The 60th Anniversary was only in a Silver Blizzard finish or something to that affect.

Regardless, Im really enjoying it. Its not as punchy as my Hillsboro but isnt that expected when you take into account active vs passive? Plus the Hillsboro has a double humbucker so obvisouly they dont sound the same. Over all Im extremely happy to have my first MIM Fender since that dreadfull day years ago when I sold Francis Bean to make a ex happy. WTF was I thinking? :thwap

Now the pic.... :happy :dude :thumbsup :rockya


December 26th, 2010, 12:19 PM
Cool! Nothin like the thump of a p-bass. Like an AK-47 they have a distinctive tone :)

December 26th, 2010, 02:19 PM
Woo Hoo!

COngratulations and rock that baby!

P-basses are so cool sounding. Unfortunately, the neck profile doesn't work for me or I'd have one around.

Brian Krashpad
December 28th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Congrats, looks great! All bassists should have a P.
