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View Full Version : HElp HElp help 2

NC Zeppelin
January 11th, 2011, 06:11 PM
(this was a orginal post but i wanted to put it up as new so i could get some fast answers. also thank you all from my orgianal)

Ive been playing guitar for 3-4? years and i have a good ear for major-minor notes from being in band playing the trombone for 5 years. i know my pentatonic scale all over the fret and since yesterday ive just discoverd modes, as like dorian, lydian, etc. with these modes, for a soloist, im very use to playing and improving the blues and a little major pentatonic with beganings, middle, and end with also some dynamics tied in.

if it helps, im a big jimi page fan and im always are drooling about his live work (70-75 work) on what modes he uses in songs (big fan on playing heartbreaker solo haha:rockya ) also a big b.b. king fan for the pentatonic scale.

so the question is how do i connect these modes to solos?, or if i wanted to improvise or compose, how do these modes help exactly? also which modes are probley the best to know and do these modes connect to styles? for example what modes are best for classic sound (real haha) rock (LZ, Black Sab, or hendrix what modes if anyone knows) i know im asking alot haha but whatever helps and is deeply apprecaited.

rock on :dude