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View Full Version : Double New Guitar Day!!

January 29th, 2011, 12:25 PM
Strange how things work out sometimes...

I've been working on my 80's rock and metal stuff lately and I wanted to get an Ibanez. Found an RG5EX1 on CL that was in new condition and less than a year old. $300....so I figure cool but I've got to put one my guitars up to help cover the costs.

So I put the Squier CV 60's Strat with the GFS Neovin's up for sale. A get a guy that wants to trade...not really interested in trading but thought eh I'll see what the guy's got.

Turns out he has an Agile Harm which I've been wanting for awhile. Hardshell case included - straight trade for the CV 60's Strat and gig bag. I went for it lol

So today is a double new guitar day for me :dude And of course, without pics it didn't happen so here's the new additions:









January 29th, 2011, 01:00 PM
Damn, you're gonna be a very busy guy! Love the Agile, and I've never seen a pivoting truss rod cover, cool! That's a nice looking trem from a machinists standpoint, but I haven't used those much either.

Good day for you, Man!! :thumbsup

January 29th, 2011, 01:39 PM
^^ Thanks!

After spending the last hour with both guitars I can say they are both freakin' killer. The Agile plays and sounds great - ebony fretboards are definitely my thing. And the clean fretboard just adds to the vibe. The sound is not twangy at all with the mini-hums and even the bridge provides a nice articulate tone that's bright but not twangy. Great playing and sounding guitar.

The Ibanez - well just wow...it's plays GREAT! And the stock pickups are definitely rockers. The guy I bought it from must have never played it or didn't know how to tune it...it was 2 steps low and locked in! So I brought it up to tune and locked it down and the strings stretched almost the entire time I was playing. I will probably re-string it as I have a set of EB Super Slinky 9's that would be PERFECT for it.

Man I am just in guitar heaven ATM :)

January 29th, 2011, 02:32 PM
Glad to see there are more and more people doing the metal thang on here :) Nice axen.

January 29th, 2011, 02:36 PM
Nice haul!
Ya' done good, progrmr. :applause

Manaj a twang?

January 29th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Wow! Nice stuff. If you are patient the INF pickups wont need replacing. They really cut nicely in a band mix. For bedroom players they often don't fill the bill.

January 29th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Nice haul, progrmr!

I'm a big fan of RGs, since mine was my first quality electric. The Harm looks sweet, too. I dig the ebony board.

Get yer rawk on, brother!:dude

January 29th, 2011, 08:06 PM
Congrats Now That Is A Great Day!!!

January 30th, 2011, 11:19 AM
Very nice! Make sure you give each equal time during this -- most important -- bonding time. :dude

January 30th, 2011, 10:29 PM
Congrats x2!

Very nice! Make sure you give each equal time during this -- most important -- bonding time. :dude

January 30th, 2011, 11:08 PM
Congrats x2!


Yep, the only thing better than 2 is 3...

January 31st, 2011, 12:14 AM
Cool! Very interested in how you like that Agile after you have had it a while.

January 31st, 2011, 06:43 AM
Congrats! I'm also eager to hear about the Harm - I've been eying one of those for a while - man, that was a great deal on that trade too!

Brian Krashpad
February 2nd, 2011, 10:46 PM
Double congrats!

The Ibby's not me, but I love the Harm!

February 3rd, 2011, 09:25 AM
So I've spent some time with Harm the last few days.

At first I was using my Fender Mustang I amp with the various amp models. Honestly this is the first time the amp has not delivered on tone. The overall tone from the Harm regardless of the pickup selection was very underwhelming. The neck was very muddy and the bridge was Tele twangy and the middle position was a bad mixture of lows and highs.

I was ready to chalk it up to cheap pickups. Last night I hooked it up to my Blues Jr. and the sound really came through. MUCH better - great tone. The twang was somewhat subdued but still articulate and the neck was no longer muddy. Weird, but that's how it is.

The other thing I like about the Harm is that it's got medium frets - the Ibby has some seriously jumbo frets. Result is that I find it easier to work the neck up above the 15th fret because there's more space for your finger to fret. Makes for a smooth, quick playing experience which is enhanced by the ebony fretboard.

I really like the Harm it's definitely is a blues/rock/jazz machine where the Ibby is where the metal is :) Both are great guitars.

February 3rd, 2011, 11:15 AM
At first I was using my Fender Mustang I amp with the various amp models. Honestly this is the first time the amp has not delivered on tone. The overall tone from the Harm regardless of the pickup selection was very underwhelming. The neck was very muddy and the bridge was Tele twangy and the middle position was a bad mixture of lows and highs.

I was ready to chalk it up to cheap pickups. Last night I hooked it up to my Blues Jr. and the sound really came through. MUCH better - great tone. The twang was somewhat subdued but still articulate and the neck was no longer muddy. Weird, but that's how it is.

We've seen the same thing many times about how some guitar/amp combos don't work well together.
It makes you wonder how many times people have sold otherwise good gear because they thought it sounded bad, yet never tried it with something else?

February 3rd, 2011, 11:49 AM
We've seen the same thing many times about how some guitar/amp combos don't work well together.
It makes you wonder how many times people have sold otherwise good gear because they thought it sounded bad, yet never tried it with something else?

Very True! my Lanilei is a great little amp, but I find my semi sounds bad, brite but no definition, whereas my Idol sound amazing through it. So many variables with construction/p'up/amp options.

I like the upper fret access on that Harm. My semi/335 clone doesn't allow for hand movement up there like my Idol, or a strat does. Seems like that Harm has LOTS of room. nice