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View Full Version : 10W Kustom Practice Amp

December 6th, 2005, 06:31 PM
Well, It's making me sad that there arent any threads in this section, so I've got my old amp for sale! Ive got a 10 watt Kustom (KGA10FX) practice amp. It has a clean, and a overdrive channel with variable gain and with a reverb effect. Ive got some pictures of it, and pm me if you want more. I paid $79 for it new, at my local guitar shop about 3 months ago. it has little to no scratches and no dents or anything like that. I honestly think that this is one of the best amps for under $100. It has 4 different jacks: speaker, lineout, headphones, Cd/tape input. make resonable offers, since i dont really know how much to start it off as.




December 6th, 2005, 06:43 PM

I don’t think the orange bedspread did any justice to the photographs. Best try it again with a white or light tan background. A little focus will also help. It looks like a pretty nice little amp.

Presently I am happy with my AD30VT. Good luck selling it.

December 16th, 2005, 02:41 PM
What are you asking for the amp? How much do you think the shipping would be to Canada?

January 4th, 2006, 09:32 PM
oh man, im sorry robert, i didnt even know you replied until just now. im afraid that shipping to canada would be too much and would prolly take to long to arrive. i was kinda looking to get around $50 for it in my pocket (not including shipping). if anyone else here wants it, its still up for grabs!