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February 13th, 2011, 11:23 PM
Just watching this movie on TV. It's a very good movie.


What did you think of it? My rating is a 9 out of 10. One of the best movies I have seen in years.

The camera works is phenomena. Those single-shot actions scenes are incredible.

Children of Men works on every level: as a violent chase thriller, a fantastical cautionary tale, and a sophisticated human drama about societies struggling to live. This taut and thought-provoking tale may not have the showy special effects normally found in movies of this genre, but you won't care one bit after the story kicks in, about a dystopic future where women can no longer conceive and hope lies within one woman who holds the key to humanity's survival. It will have you riveted.

February 14th, 2011, 12:22 AM
It was rather good, yes. Definitely one of the better ones. I always like dystopian movies, though. Just watched the Book of Eli on Saturday and it was surprisingly good as well, if a little 'hollywood'. But, Children of Men was had a much more realistic, 'british' style and not much sugar coating; indeed well worth watching.

Too bad there aren't that many good scifi/dystopian films released yearly. Last week I watched Pandorum and Reeker and kinda felt like scraping the bottom of the barrel for Scifi needs although both were ultimately OK. I wouldn't mind watching a good scifi/horror/dystopy every once a week but there just aren't enough :-(

February 14th, 2011, 02:06 AM
Great movie Robert. I really like the British cinema. I went with no expectation and really saw Clive Owen more in the Hollywood actor corner after gaining success, but this movie is really refreshing and excellently shot.

February 14th, 2011, 08:18 AM
I thought I would like this film but I was wrong. I too like dystopian films and while I liked much of the way Children of Men looked visually, the storytelling was just too boring. It was a compelling story and could have been told in a more engaging manner. The one bright spot I remember was the performance of Michael Caine, but that's not a surprise, he's Michael Caine, he's always great.

February 14th, 2011, 08:40 AM
I'd have to agree partially with RG; it's a kind of a film that requires constant attention to detail (read: big screen and dark room & loud surround system), if you don't get constantly into the story & pace of things I can easily see it could feel a bit boring. Me, I like that rather than constant drive as in hollywood productions, but I have often noticed how many 'quality' films just won't work when you're being distracted by something, or watching it from DivX or something...you can watch the latest hollywood blockbusters in med-grade DivX with stereo sound Ok even on laptop or something no problem, as they're made in a way that they constantly do something to keep even a teenager with zero concentration skills entertained - (um, not saying you're lacking in that RG just, you know)...I like it just as fine that way too, but sometimes I prefer a tad more, shall we say...realistic and slower approach. Makes for much more lasting impression etc. BUt it certainly helps to watch it in full HD with a loud surround system and a large screen.

I did like the ELi flick quite a lot for instance, definitely not boring, but then again a small voice keeps shouting in the back of my head 'yeah righ, sheesh...' because it's just so far removed from anything realistic or believable.

February 14th, 2011, 08:55 AM
I certainly don't find it boring. I love this kind of storytelling, where it almost feels like you are watching a documentary. Not full of action scenes, but instead telling the story of people trying to survive in a really messed up society.

February 14th, 2011, 10:48 AM
yep, one of the better films of it's type. I too get turned off when there is too much flash and over the top storyline demands. It's a dark story, told in a dark manner, where the "hero" is capable, but not a superhero. Much more compelling to me that way.

To immediately contradict myself, another one I liked in this genre, that IS very Hollywood was "I am Legend."

February 14th, 2011, 11:50 AM
If you like dystopian films, check out The Road (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) if it is as good as the book by Cormac McCarthy (http://www.cormacmccarthy.com/) it should be awesome.

February 14th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Thanks bcdon, never heard of that one. I'll put it on my list of must-sees!

February 14th, 2011, 01:01 PM
I have that in my DVD collections. Weird story but kinda original.