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View Full Version : A couple upcoming (March/April '11) Gainesville FL shows

Brian Krashpad
March 3rd, 2011, 09:00 AM
A couple different bands I'm in have upcoming shows for anyone near the Gainesville area.

First, my side band Pedagogy has a show this month. Pedagogy is my "church" side band (don't do church music, do original rock, but we all met in church). In the past it's been a trio with me on bass. This will be our first show as a quartet, I'm now on guitar and my daughter Hannah will be making her rock band debut on bass. We'll open at 10 p.m. Here's the particulars:

Venue: Eight Seconds (":08"), 201 W. Univ. Ave.

Date: 03/25/2011

Hollowbody Hellraisers - www.hollowbodyhellraisers.com
Fastlane - www.fastlanefunk.com
Big Boat - www.reverbnation.com/bigboat2
Pedagogy - www.facebook.com/pages/Pedagogy/7149596233

Time: Doors 9:00 bands 10:00

Price: $5, anyone arriving before 10:00 can enjoy free well drinks until midnight.


Our church praise team, which has decided to gig outside church as "First Things First," has a free show on Saturday, April 16, at the Downtown Bo Diddley Community Plaza. We'll be opening, at noon. Other bands are all from other local churches. We'll be doing 2 originals, and the rest will be covers, all modern praise music.

Here's a flyer with the rest of the bill:

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/182259_154974714560047_120443414679844_330303_1593 977_n.jpg