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March 16th, 2011, 09:48 PM
We are terribly flawed. Okay, sorry...I am terribly flawed.:lecture:agree


7 March 2011
Collecting items can trigger obsessive-compulsive disorder
by Kate Melville

Whatever you collect - porcelain dolls, precious stones, shoes, thimbles, watches or fans - your hobby could easily become a psychological disorder that European researchers say affects more than 10 percent of the population.

The researchers, from Granada University, say that as long as collectors exercise some control, then "collecting items is good from a psychological point of view, as it helps in developing positive skills and attitudes such as perseverance, order, patience and memory."

But Granada's Francisca López Torrecillas warns that in the recent years, "a very significant increase has been observed of cases where uncontrolled collecting has caused obsessive-compulsive disorders."

López Torrecillas points out that certain attributes such as control, perfectionism, meticulousness and extreme orderliness "are very frequent traits in people who likes collecting things. However, they are also closely related to the psychological disorders." The best known variant of obsessive compulsive disorder is probably Diogenes syndrome, also known as shopping addiction.

"Collecting can become an obsession, and eventually a disorder in individuals; especially vulnerable individuals with low self-esteem, poor social skills and difficulty in facing problems," she explained. "When people have this feeling of personal inefficiency, compulsive collecting helps them in feeling better."

López Torrecillas speculates that excessive sales pressure and aggressive marketing may be contributing to the rise in collecting OCDs, but suggests that "further study is needed in this field of research."

Source: University of Granada

March 17th, 2011, 10:21 AM
Yea - sounds about right..I just accept myself for what I am :)

March 17th, 2011, 01:45 PM
I don't have no stinkin' OCDs. lol

Saying this while a custom lap steel with killer pups (Tele in the Neck; P90 in the bridge) is in production for me. YUM!

March 17th, 2011, 02:10 PM
Look at it this way...
"Anyone who has more guitars than I (place yourself here) is an obsessive compulsive hoarder.
Anyone who has fewer guitars than I is either an amateur lightweight or just hasn't gotten their priorities straight."

This model works for any number of instruments and gear owned, and is adjustable for future purchases. :D

March 17th, 2011, 02:20 PM
This all rings very true. It's something I battle against a lot, losing out on a regular basis. I think that one thing about guitars and music that makes it hard is that sometimes you do need a lot of stuff (e.g. if you own a PA setup), so collections of gear get to be pretty big, and by that point you've already crossed over into the stuff-owning-you territory.

March 17th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Guilars and amphs don't count. :)

March 17th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I have yet to see an episode on Hoarders dealing with someone hoarding musical gear :)

March 17th, 2011, 05:33 PM
I have yet to see an episode on Hoarders dealing with someone hoarding musical gear :)
Someone I was talking to once noted that it was kind of ironic that Hoarders had released a DVD of the entire first season...

March 17th, 2011, 05:54 PM
I guess it's possible.....I read an article about people who are unable to control the urge to look at their IPhones, Blackeberries, Droid's, etc. every minute or so. I didn't believe it until I started paying more attention to people at work and in public.
Some of them are really tethered to them. I look at mine if I need to answer the phone or find information. It's an OCD world out there for some folks.

March 17th, 2011, 06:21 PM
Someone I was talking to once noted that it was kind of ironic that Hoarders had released a DVD of the entire first season...

It's obvious, they are making them collectible.:D

March 17th, 2011, 06:34 PM
It's an OCD world out there for some folks.
Unfortunately, I fit this description. It's a constant battle to keep from getting too far into it.

Retro Hound
March 17th, 2011, 07:31 PM
I've posted this at my blog retrohound.com (http://www.retrohound.com/collecting-is-a-disorder-of-the-brain/), seemed very appropriate. I gave a link back to the fret.

March 18th, 2011, 02:21 AM
Very interesting post Spuddy.
I'm pretty stable. G.A.S. is no topic for me, neither are iphones etc.
I think OCDs have a lot to do with a lack of selfesteem and selfcontrole, but who am I to judge?!

March 18th, 2011, 04:10 AM
Unfortunately, I fit this description. It's a constant battle to keep from getting too far into it.

I know people who collect, people with G.A.S., and people who are, I guess, "borderline" OCD.
I don't think I should judge someone with a huge collection of thimbles, plates, guitars, etc.
Now if someone has 139 cats in an apartment...........

March 18th, 2011, 04:33 AM
I know people who collect, people with G.A.S., and people who are, I guess, "borderline" OCD.
I don't think I should judge someone with a huge collection of thimbles, plates, guitars, etc.
Now if someone has 139 cats in an apartment...........
I do count my steps sometimes, which I've heard is a tendency of obsessive-compulsive people. My collections of stuff are actually slim-to-non-existent now, but I definitely feel the urge sometimes. Same with checking email -- good thing I don't have a smartphone.

It's for this reason that I always try to keep a grip on things like buying new gear -- if I'm buying it just so that something can be "perfect" (e.g. something like having one of each type of guitar), I will almost always stop and make myself stay in that imperfect middle. It's the drive toward completion that is sometimes so tempting, but since it's a fruitless chase anyway, what's the point of even playing the game?

It sometimes gets to the point of asceticism with me, but I don't want to be a slave to my compulsions, so I try to always live in and accept life as it is every day. It's not that much of an issue anymore and I don't know if it was ever truly a disorder, but IMO part of just being a healthy adult is to maintain a balance between what you have and what you don't have.

March 18th, 2011, 01:18 PM
look at it this way...
"anyone who has more guitars than i (place yourself here) is an obsessive compulsive hoarder.
Anyone who has fewer guitars than i is either an amateur lightweight or just hasn't gotten their priorities straight."

this model works for any number of instruments and gear owned, and is adjustable for future purchases. :d

that is just to funny!

March 18th, 2011, 01:25 PM
ocd NOT IN THE LEAST. I don't gamble, do drugs, or drink heavily, not into expensive cars, boats, or bikes.

I just happen to like High end audio equipment and musical instruments. I have not put my family or home at risk with it so I'll continue as allows money and needs and some wants present themselves. Besides as long as some of you guys have more stuff than I makes me look less OCD driven. LOL

March 18th, 2011, 02:59 PM
For my part, I try to keep my gear in line with my musical goals. If the gear doesn't serve a particular purpose for me, then it's gone. I guess I'm not one to collect things.

March 18th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I probably have minor OCD tendencies, but I have them mostly under control. I just wish I had more useful neurosis, like something that would help me be more organized in areas other than just alphabetized DVDs. I do feel a certain compulsion to accumulate certain things....like guitars...and pickups for the aforementioned guitars...

At least I'm not in total denial. And every time I think I have a guitar addiction, all I have to do is think about Spud and I feel like I'm pretty normal in comparison.

March 19th, 2011, 06:30 AM
At least I'm not in total denial. And every time I think I have a guitar addiction, all I have to do is think about Spud and I feel like I'm pretty normal in comparison.

I'm in recovery now.

March 19th, 2011, 09:13 AM
Huh. Guitar players are head cases. Whodathunkit?

The only OCD thing that I have (and apparently most people in my family have too) is that I have to sort my M&Ms (or Skittles, etc.) by color and then eat them in some orderly fashion. Amazingly, I haven't had any serious GAS pains in a long time. Basically since I got my Jet City. The only things I'm considering now is swapping the pups on my bass (somewhat unlikely) or swapping my delay pedal for one that is true-bypass (possible, but no big hurry).

March 19th, 2011, 02:55 PM
I used to know a guy that had to turn on the water 7 times when he washed his hands....on/off...on/off...on/off...on/off...on/off...on/off...on/off.
He had to turn the bathroom light off/on/off/on/off (3 times)when he walked out. He never stepped on a joint in a sidewalk.
He was a good guy. I'd say he was as OCD as anyone I've met.

March 19th, 2011, 04:23 PM
The only OCD thing that I have (and apparently most people in my family have too) is that I have to sort my M&Ms (or Skittles, etc.) by color and then eat them in some orderly fashion.

Ha ha. I'm happy to find out I'm not the only one who does this. I do it with the Haribo gummy bears. Wow!:D

March 19th, 2011, 06:24 PM
Enter "Matchstick Men", one of Nick Cage's few good movies.

Embedding disabled so go direct http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvBUL_Ih8yo

March 20th, 2011, 07:14 AM
The only OCD thing that I have (and apparently most people in my family have too) is that I have to sort my M&Ms (or Skittles, etc.) by color and then eat them in some orderly fashion.

I knew it! Besides being a beer brewing, metal playing Lutheran pastor, you do have another quirk!

My GAS drives my wife nuts... She doesn't understand it, and I have a hard time explaining it to her.

March 20th, 2011, 08:38 AM
Ha ha. I'm happy to find out I'm not the only one who does this. I do it with the Haribo gummy bears. Wow!:D

I am the opposite. I like to line up a serving of each color together and eat them rainbow style. I also like the mash up my Thanksgiving turkey dinner all together. Also, as Spud will attest having seen my office, I am not very neat.

Still probably a little OCD, (maybe ADD too ;-0) , but I think law school will do that to you. Or it could be a chicken and egg thing and I was that way first.

March 27th, 2011, 11:42 PM
I do that pretty much...well not every minute or so, but I could not live without my smartphone. During the workday, I'd say I look at the thing three times an hour minimum.

But, I carry no notebooks or anything of the sort, so it's my calendar and schedule and workbook and phone and also entertainment and web surfboard. Most of my TheFret visits occur on my smartphone.