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View Full Version : Luna Guitars??

April 7th, 2011, 11:33 PM
Anyone know about the Luna guitar line? I am in the process of scouting out guitars. I have not played a Luna guitar yet, I am trying to find a dealer near where I live...Ontario, Canada. I love the look of some of them, however I really like the idea that they are suited for women. I like the idea of a smaller guitar, however I do not want to loose a lot of the volume either...any thoughts? ideas? or experience with Luna guitars? Thanks.

April 8th, 2011, 06:21 AM
Although not a Luna, I was playing a very nice, inexpensive ESP LTD EC 256 les paul copy-ish, type guitar the other day that was very light and comfortable with a thin neck and beautiful honey tobacco-ish flammed maple burst top. It was 175 US used and they are 399 from musciansfriend.com, no affln., or the other big internet places. It had a nice thin body with a tummy cut and slim neck, not like a baseball bat.

Luna's might be a nice brand, it's all up to you, but I think they are a house brand for Muscian's Friend, or Guitar Center and made exclusively for them.

There are a lot of shorter scale guitars out there, meaning that they are generally not as long. If you look around a lot and play a lot of guitars you will surely find a perfect one that feels small enough and great enough to grab your interest.

I hope this info helps you a little bit.

April 8th, 2011, 12:31 PM
Thanks Duffy, I know they do have them for sale via the internet but there is no point in buying unless you can play it first and know it's the one for you. I don't want to buy one until it jumps out at me and says, I'm the one. I do have a guitar to use in the meantime. Thanks for the info.

April 8th, 2011, 06:22 PM
Hi Duffy....

This is Yvonne from Luna. Just wanted to clarify that we are definitely not a house brand for Guitar Center. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are under that impression because their brand name is "Laguna" and they use the same font as ours in their logo. They were founded in 2007....we've been around since 2005. Hope you both get a chance to test drive one of our instruments. = )

April 8th, 2011, 06:35 PM
Oh yeah Lunagrl, my mistake. My apology. The two names make a close registry when you speak them and it almost seems intentional that they almost vocally blend into each other as they fade into your memory, unless you are paying attention or are experienced with the two brands or have been checking them out.

I'll have to check out the Luna guitars, absolutely.

I knew Laguna was the house brand - I just don't know exactly how I confused the two.

April 8th, 2011, 06:52 PM
What an interesting coincidence...somebody joins the forum and asks about Luna guitars, and immediately someone from Luna guitars joins the forum. What are the odds?

I bought the kid a Luna acoustic to try and teach her. I was not too impressed with the quality; the 6th string is out of intonation, and has to be tuned sharp in order to sound right when played in a chord. I realize I didn't buy one of the high-end Lunas, but is still has left a bitter taste in my mouth as far as that brand is concerned.

April 8th, 2011, 07:31 PM
Are you asking about an acoustic or an electric guitar?

I've got no experience with the Luna line...

As far as acoustics go, I have played several Seagull guitars that have been affordably priced, beautifully made, and warm sounding. They play great, too. It's a Canadian brand to boot, so there should be no difficulty finding them.

Ulitimately, the decision comes down to what you like. Please, report on your progress...

@ lunagirl... Good for you for posting! Stick around.

April 8th, 2011, 07:34 PM
I thought it was very responsive. It would be nice if some these other mfg's were a little responsive.

Maybe she can offer you some recourse advice or options that you wouldn't usually get. Some of the mfg's take customer satisfaction seriously and are proud of their products.

My curly maple sides and back, solid spruce top anniv. ed. Seagull S6 sounds better as time goes by. Got a great deal too.

April 8th, 2011, 09:23 PM
For acoustics, I agree with Kat about the Seagull line, which is part of the Godin manufacturing company (http://www.godinguitars.com/). Godin has several brand names which are all good quality guitars that start in an affordable range, and should be in various shops for you to try one at. Art & Lutherie is also one of their brands. For a smaller guitar, I'd look at parlor size or folk size. I have a big ol' dreadnaught, but sometimes wish for a smaller body.

April 9th, 2011, 01:44 AM
A cool small thin acoustic is the Fender Sonoran with the stratocaster headstock. It has a solid spruce top and is affordable. I would expect Fenders to be found in Canada, at least hopefully.


http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/18/001/286/570/DV016_Jpg_Large_514656_black_and_firemist_with_bac kground.jpg




April 13th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I just won a Luna Henna guitar from Truefire.com. I was very suprised by this since I have never won anything like this before. I attended the South-by-Soutwest show recently and filled out a raffle for this guitar and was just notified last week that I'd won. I'm planning to give the guitar to my wife for her birthday. She teaches choir and plays guitar to accompany her singers. The guitar is supposed to arrive today, so I'll report back after receiving it and let you know how it plays, etc. The guitars look to be excellent and very beautiful designs. My wife is going to flip when she receives this! It's perfect for her since she has small hands.


April 13th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Congrats to you and your wife, Jim!

Winning is always fun. :)

April 13th, 2011, 03:51 PM
Absolutely! I feel very lucky. From the website these guitars look to be very unique, works of art. They're also very affordable, so I'm curious to see and hear how well the play and sound.
