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View Full Version : Jon gruden, butthead

April 29th, 2011, 07:07 PM
We were on vacation last week in Ft. Lauderdale FLA and at some point during the day I would turn on ESPN and a couple of times caught Jon Gruden interviewing these college QBs who were big name guys.

To listen to Gruden talk, one would think the QBs should have genuflected in front of the Master. He carried on, pontificated. UGH, made me sick to even watch him with these guys.

Won't somebody please hire him as a Coach, so we don't have to suffer listening to him RUIN the NFL games, etc.

OK, rant over.

April 29th, 2011, 08:58 PM
I agree he totally annoying - every broadcast he's trying to put himself out there to anyone that would hire him as a coach! I wish he'd go away - MNF sucks with him there. At least Jaws pisses him off frequently :)

April 30th, 2011, 12:12 AM
Not only is he a moron, proven just about every time he opens his mouth, but he's also an arrogant jerk in my opinion. His whole QB camp thing with Ryan Mallett annoyed the living daylights out of me. He went off on Mallett about not answering questions about his off-field troubles in college and said now in the NFL he needs to "step up" and answer the questions. Firstly, no he doesn't. He's not obligated to answer anything for anyone except his GM and coaches. Secondly, it's over now. He's an NFL player now so whatever he did at Michigan and Arkansas is a moot point. Asking him about it now is just sensationalistic reporting. Maybe he was a troubled kid. Maybe he'll still have trouble, maybe not (playing for the no-nonsense Bellichick I think he'll be just fine).

April 30th, 2011, 05:52 AM
That's the one that sent flying off the cliff......the Mallett interview.....I saw that and cringed for the kid. How is it that Gruden gets to interview these QBs? Is it a rite of passage they all have to go through?

April 30th, 2011, 07:55 AM
Gruden somehow has this rep as QB guru because he came up under Holmgren's coaching tree and helped develop Favre, though retrospect would show it probably had more to do with Favre's natural talent and unmatched will to win that led to his successes than anything he learned from Gruden. Otherwise we'd see at least one more QB that Gruden turned into something special and living here in Tampa, I didn't see it. What I saw was exactly what I see from Gruden as an analyst, that he thinks everyone is great. The parade of mediocre QBs he utilized with the Bucs was a joke. They went from a Super Bowl champ to never winning another playoff game under his leadership and much of that was instability and incompetence at the QB position.