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View Full Version : NAD - Marshall Class 5 Green

May 4th, 2011, 05:10 PM
I know a guy that's got a Vox Lil Night Train that he wanted to sell so I put up my Epi Korina Explorer on CL to raise the cash.

While I was waiting for someone to buy a guy emailed me about a trade...how about a Marshall Class 5 in British Racing Green...hmmm...never really considered one of them before so off to youtube I went. Where I found videos of our very own Robert demo'ing the Class 5! Those videos a few others prompted me to take the trade.

Other guy's gonna be pissed but hey..life's short :)

This is one seriously LOUD amp - it seems to be way louder than my vibro champ XD even though they're both 5 watts. 10" speaker in this one I think. Hitting 9 o'clock on the volume and sitting close means my ears are hurtin' for certain! Haven't had a chance to really crank it to see how well it breaks up, but did put the blues driver in front of it and it sounds quite good. Not boxy at all - just got a Valve Jr too and that amp (also pictured since I never did a NAD for it) is very boxy. Granted, it's a much cheaper amp too and I like it alot. But this amp...wow - freakin' great amp.

Here's some pics:





May 4th, 2011, 06:03 PM
Wow! Welcome to Marshall land.

I didn't know you had an Epi Explorer... or did I? You're gonna have to post a list of your current gear.

Here's your amph cranked in a warehouse:


May 4th, 2011, 06:27 PM
Congratulations! You've just taken your first step toward this...


don't forget to get some ear plugs along the way.

May 4th, 2011, 06:59 PM
Awesome! You are right about how loud it gets. It gets very, very loud very, very quickly! Enjoy! :dude

May 4th, 2011, 08:05 PM

I'm starting to miss my Marshall...:(

May 4th, 2011, 08:11 PM

I'm starting to miss my Marshall...:(

Wanna buy my Class 5? Trade you for your Night Train. :-) :dude

May 4th, 2011, 09:15 PM
Wanna buy my Class 5? Trade you for your Night Train. :-) :dude

Thanks, but...nope. My Night Train is too freakin' cool! Especially now that I changed the power valves. I'd trade it for your Boogie, though!

May 4th, 2011, 10:08 PM
Heh, cool that Marshall Class 5 lead you to yours truly. :)

I do try to infiltrate wherever I can. :D

May 4th, 2011, 10:17 PM

May 5th, 2011, 03:59 AM
Awesome. I was really sweating one of those for awhile, and I still kind of am. One tip: from what I've read, some of these (the earlier ones, IIRC) are known to have a bit of tube rattle, but I think there are ways around that.

I'm jealous.

May 5th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Wow that's nice. Especially in green like that. I love the styling that suggests it could be 40 years old, or brand new.

May 6th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Very nice!

Congrats. I recall Robert's video with him cranking one up all the way. Sooo cool.

May 6th, 2011, 01:38 PM
Awesome! You are right about how loud it gets. It gets very, very loud very, very quickly! Enjoy! :dude
Hey Don, as someone who has owned both a Class 5 and Jet City, how do they compare volume-wise? I keep hearing about how loud the Class 5 is, but I wonder if it's a loud 5 watts or if it's honestly louder than a 20-watt amp like the JCA20.

My money is on the former, but I figured it would be best to just ask someone who has first-hand experience.

May 6th, 2011, 05:38 PM
Hey Don, as someone who has owned both a Class 5 and Jet City, how do they compare volume-wise? I keep hearing about how loud the Class 5 is, but I wonder if it's a loud 5 watts or if it's honestly louder than a 20-watt amp like the JCA20.

My money is on the former, but I figured it would be best to just ask someone who has first-hand experience.

Hi Eric,

I think the Jet City has more volume range than the Class 5. When you sweep the JC it gets loud in steps while the Class 5 seems to go from low to very loud much quicker.
As for which is louder, I never maxed out either amph (damn apartment dwelling!) but I think the JC was louder.

BTW, want to buy my Class 5? You passed on the JC when I had it. ;-) :dude

May 6th, 2011, 09:33 PM
I've read that all the green Class 5's are being recalled due to extreme fire danger.

:poke Just kidding! Happy New Amph Day!


May 6th, 2011, 10:55 PM
BTW, want to buy my Class 5? You passed on the JC when I had it. ;-) :dude
Well, considering all of my amps are under a sheet of plastic in the basement while we prepare to sell the house, it wouldn't make much sense right now. Give me about 6 months and I'll have a better idea...

May 7th, 2011, 03:14 AM
like it maybe upgrade the speaker