View Full Version : Atari 2600 - still got yours?

November 21st, 2006, 01:58 AM
I've been cleaning out my attic and rediscovered my old Atari 2600. I've become addicted to it all over again. The GFX may not be so hot, but there were some great games for it!

The best parts is, games are around $1/ea. at flea markets and ebay. :)

If any of you have old 2600 stuff you want to get rid of, let me know - I'm looking to grow my library. ;)


November 21st, 2006, 04:23 AM
Ohhh. I fondly remember playing Frogger with friends. I dont have a 2600, but I still have my trusty old Atari ST. I still plug it in sometimes and enjoy the games from the past. Somehow they were more fun than the games of today.

You might want to check out this mag, which is fantastic if you are into retro video games / computers. Its worth every penny/nickel/eurocent...