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View Full Version : Hold The Presses: The New Vox VT+'s are Killer Diller

Perfect Stranger
June 13th, 2011, 04:49 PM
I used to be one of the biggest believers and proponents of the Fender Mustang amps there was. Well, I got in my new Vox VT20+ Valvetronix, one of the new breed of Vox Valvetronix, and other than Mustang having a USB out and computer software, the Vox beats the Mustangs hands down. One gigantic benefit to the Vox is that it is a hybrid, meaning it uses 12AX7 preamp tube, and it uses the unique Power Level control. This gives it the warm organic sound of a tube amp, while allowing for some of the best modeling effects I've ever heard....bar none!

The modeling effects are where the Vox VT's REALLY shine. These effects are sooo much better than Fender's, or anyone else's for that matter, that it is simply no contest. 33 different amps, and 99 GREAT sounding effects give this amp a double thumbs up from me. You would think the effects are actually coming from high end pedals. And the amps are amazing. It has some of the best overdrives and distortion I've ever heard....even from pedals.

I got the VT20 Plus that can go up to 30 watts , which is more than enough for smaller venues, and mic'ed thru the PA could easily handle more. But if you want even more power the VT's have the muscle for you.
The small 8" speaker sounds amazingly good. I wish it had a 10" but I'm certainly not complaining for $169, although I only paid $149 for for mine.

Vox has certainly stepped up to the plate, as well as stepping up it's game with these new VT's. If you're needing a smaller modeling-type amp, I urge you to give these babies a try. You'll be glad you did!


http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/6/001/465/343/DV019_Jpg_Regular_H67603.001_black_front.jpg http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/6/001/465/342/DV019_Jpg_Regular_H67603.001_black_V.jpg
http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/6/001/558/231/DV019_Jpg_Regular_H67603.001_black_back.jpg http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/6/001/558/230/DV019_Jpg_Regular_H67603.001_black_back_V.jpg