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View Full Version : "Mellow"

November 23rd, 2006, 07:40 PM
My wife is wonderful. Very supportive. She listens to each new effort I make.
I did this one this evening, she listened and smiled and said "Mellow".
I am a lucky man. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had much to be thankful for.
the oldguy


November 23rd, 2006, 09:12 PM

The recording sounds so professional and I love the tone and vibe in this track. I pictured it running during one of those break-up scenes in an 80s movie or at the end credits with someone walking away, fading out into the distance. Nice work Oldguy! I dig the tremolo action too! SWEET! I hope to achieve your full sound in our next recordings. This is a keeper I'll add to my "fret.net" collection I use for inspiration. Man I've sure got a lot to learn!

If you don't mind me asking. how did you record the other instruments ? I'd kill to get a sound like that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26th, 2006, 07:32 PM
I found this track to have a nice, laid back flow. Slick production here. This is, simply put, a very nicely played and recorded instrumental. Very well done. I enjoyed listening.


November 26th, 2006, 07:56 PM
Anybody besides me reminded of "Rough Boy" by ZZ Top? Very nice stuff, oldguy.

November 26th, 2006, 11:21 PM
I pictured it running during one of those break-up scenes in an 80s movie or at the end credits with someone walking away, fading out into the distance.

yeah man, that's what i thought too!

sweet playing, Glenn.
the recording sounds really good.
do share your technique!

November 27th, 2006, 06:38 PM
You're exactly right. It's a backing track that I put my own spin on. When I played it I wasn't trying to copy anything, I was wondering how the bass, drums, and synth would sound played with the lead I had worked out. A lot of rhythm tracks sound entirely different with new melodies. And it's a good way to educate yourself when learning new scales and techniques.
Whitesnake "is this love" and Satriani " cryin" are also very good backing tracks to build lead work over and learn new scales if that slow style appeals to the individual. Just remember don't copy the tune verbatim or use it for commercial purposes. I think imitation is the.... well, you know. But stay away from infringement. Put a new spin on a chord pattern, a melody, a lead line, see where it takes you. Try "Peter Gunn" theme and then "Batman", combine them and... well, you get the idea. Have Fun!!:)