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August 5th, 2011, 11:50 AM
New guitarist, same sound. I like this though.


August 5th, 2011, 02:00 PM
Not bad. Pretty slick production. Good rhythm.

I'm a fan of their early albums, and occasionally like their newer singles.

September 7th, 2011, 09:04 AM
RHCP is one of my favorite bands. I can't say I'm disappointed in the new album, but I do miss Frusciante. On the new CD I kept waiting for him to magically insert himself into the mix and just start tearing it up. Flea is pretty ridiculous in it though.

September 7th, 2011, 09:09 AM
Most of the songs sound pretty good. They still throw down some funk. A few stinkers like "Dance Dance Dance" could have been left off the album. Overall, it is better than the last few albums, but nothing spectacular.

September 7th, 2011, 06:21 PM
Maybe depends on how you look at it? As another album, yeah, it's OK. But given they were pretty much defunct, it's not a bad first revival effort I'd say.

September 7th, 2011, 07:33 PM
Maybe depends on how you look at it? As another album, yeah, it's OK. But given they were pretty much defunct, it's not a bad first revival effort I'd say.

If you consider them defunct in between "I'm With You" and "Stadium Arcadium" then you'd pretty much always have to consider them defunct. Check out the Album years:

Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991)
One Hot Minute (1995)
Californication (1999)
By the Way (2002)
Stadium Arcadium (2006)
I'm with You (2011)

Blood Sugar Sex Magik was what propelled them into superstardom. They subsequently lost Frusciante for the first time and totally flopped with One Hot Minute. Then they rebounded (and regained Frusciante) with Californication.

With all the drug problems and deaths and stylistic struggles they've had since the start, it's almost like the band's story has been a constant struggle.

September 7th, 2011, 07:59 PM
Mother's Milk and Blood Sugar Sex Magik are still my personal favorites, followed by The Uplift Mofo Party Plan and maybe Freaky Styley.

I saw them play a spring break concert in the early 80's, and they brought on a unique funk/punk groove that no one else had at the time. The energy level is still there when they play live these days, but the studio production is a bit too polished. The later albums were fine for big radio play, but the best magic was recorded in the early part of their history, IMO.

September 8th, 2011, 06:37 AM
Not heard the new album yet, my favourite track of all time must be Under the Bridge, followed by Dani.

September 8th, 2011, 07:35 AM
Not heard the new album yet, my favourite track of all time must be Under the Bridge, followed by Dani.

Still desperately trying to play both of those songs. Frusciante is without a doubt my favorite guitarist and he's also the one I have the most trouble emulating. Usually it's speed that I can't pick up when I try to learn a guitar god song, but with Frusciante it's overall technique and rhythm. I decided I'm going to camp on Scar Tissue for a bit, try to polish that up before trying Under the Bridge.

September 10th, 2011, 12:15 AM
Thanks for the heads up. Just got the new Recchipe (What the RHCP are commonly called here). After one listen, I would say that it is good albeit more of the same from the past few albums. No flashes of light or brilliant moments but good enough for my 10 bucks. Once again Flea makes me want to take up the bass and Josh Klinghoffer's guitar fits in real nice. We'll see how repeated listens affect my opinion but it will probably not change too much from a solid C+.

September 10th, 2011, 09:52 AM
I've not heard it yet, but will definitely give it a spin. I always liked Frusciante's work too, but don't mind giving the new guy a chance.