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View Full Version : New Hiatt Album - Dirty Jeans & Mudslide Hymns

August 23rd, 2011, 11:46 PM
I haven't heard all of it yet, but here is a song from the album. Pretty song. The production is far better than the previous album, which I thought sounded very rough. Might have to buy this album - I like his songwriting.



August 24th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Another beautiful tune from Mr. Hiatt.
Will have to check out the new album.
Thanks for the heads up Robert.

August 25th, 2011, 07:35 PM
This popped at at Amazon as a "you might be interested in" when I was buying some books - on sale for 9>98, so I grabbed it. The samples sounded good across the board - I had not heard that Hiatt was working on a new album; pretty quick on the heels of the last one. I like this band - the one touring with him when I saw Hiatt live last year.

August 30th, 2011, 08:50 AM
I have to check because I love this artist thanks for pointing it out ! BTW the new Los lobos is excellent

August 31st, 2011, 08:02 PM
Have given the new album a few listens now, and it's growing on me - but I don't think that there are as many good Hiatt songs on this as on the previous. By that I mean catchy grooves/melodies that you remember and sing along with easily, or imagine wanting to learn, in combination with really good lyrics. I know it's kind of being hard on him, but Hiatt can be SO good when he really hits it that it makes me hard to please when he goes for an easy rhyme or the 'story' of the song isn't well-developed. But then look at Amazon reviews of any of John's albums and you see that what one person thinks is flat or a clunker, someone else hails as a classic and their favorite! As for the sound on the last cd, I kinda thought it was 'garage-y' sounding on purpose to go with the material...