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View Full Version : Spreading the word, today...

September 1st, 2011, 08:01 PM
Car shopping, late lunch at Subway today (local sandwich chain). Three kids behind the counter were talking, and one mentioned hip-hop. When time came to pay,
Me "what kind of music do you guys listen to?"
Answer: "Hip hop".
Me: "That's it, no classic rock, stuff like that??
Answer: "nope"
Me: give me a piece of paper and a pen, I am gonna give you an assignment, stuff you gotta listen to at least once"
One kid digs it, and gets me the paper and pen!

I quickly wrote down a few things that came to mind on the spot, Joe Bonamassa, Alison Krauss(?), Neil Young (new stuff, "Le Noise"), Eric Clapton, and in bold, anything by Jimi Hendrix.

Kid took my stuff, with a very serious look on his face.

That was funny and cute, and it may be that, for once someone paid attention to them in the shop?

I am tempted to swing by next week and ask how they did..!

September 1st, 2011, 08:59 PM
I guess they never played Guitar Hero or Rock Band. No matter what we think about these games, they certainly exposed kids to a wide variety of guitar based music.


Check out this past post:
How to bring good music to teenagers

September 2nd, 2011, 11:57 AM
I guess they never played Guitar Hero or Rock Band. No matter what we think about these games, they certainly exposed kids to a wide variety of guitar based music.
That's very true. I find it funny that what we call 'good' music is just guitar-centric most of the time.

I'm actually reading this book by Chuck Klosterman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_the_Dinosaur) that has a section on how teenagers always have dictated what music is deemed relevant in any given era. It's kind of an interesting take, but I guess fairly typical for him given his areas of expertise. This is actually the first book I've ever read by him, but I love it.