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View Full Version : Best album rock guitar sound for 2011

September 12th, 2011, 06:04 PM
After spending some time with the new Whitesnake album Forevermore I am just amazed at the tone Doug Aldrich gets on this record. It's fat, full and ballsy as all get out. This album gets my vote for best rock and roll guitar tones for 2011. He even sounded amazing on That Metal Show too just playing intros into the commercial breaks. He and Reb Beach do some great guitar playing through the whole album.

This may not be the best song to prove my point but if you follow it to Youtube you can check out the other songs too.


September 12th, 2011, 07:54 PM
He and Beach do have killer tone on that album and on Good to Be Bad. They sounded very good in concert when I saw them last summer too. I usually prefer a brighter tone than he's getting but it's undeniably cool and powerful.

September 13th, 2011, 12:20 AM
Great sound no doubt, but a bit too modern and polished to my taste, with a little of the 'guitar hero' saturated drive I don't like much. I prefer a little looser and less nicely driven tone usually, more vintage so to speak. This is more like Zakk Wylde with a nice presence processor on top, and waaaayyyyy compressed - makes a great impact on YouTube however due to loss of dynamics. Superb radio/tube mix indeed, amazing how much impact they can load into the track without sounding messy.

The only thing is it's very tiring to the ears, I can't listen to this for more than a few minutes and it feels like my ears are already fatigued. The problem with the extreme compression.