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View Full Version : Scott Henderson Live

December 16th, 2005, 08:28 PM
Well, my big influence on guitar is about to be exposed. Scott Henderson, is a fusion/jazz/rock guitarist extra-ordinaire. Incredible chops and tone. He's not a shredder - he plays intelligent but with attitude.

His latest trio release is a live album recorded at La Vee Lee in L.A. You can get a listen at http://www.scotthenderson.net/live.htm

His tone has improved over the years, and nowadays he uses a Custom Audio Electronics amp, OD-100 and he plays Suhr guitars. His main od/dist pedals are Maxon OD-9 and SD-9.

If you haven't heard him before, go buy this album. The sound is awesome overall, and the guitar tone is killer. Kirk Covington on drums also sings on some songs, while John Humphrey grooves on bass. The material these guys play (especially considering it's live) is mind boggling.
You can buy the album here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00076YPIA/ref=m_art_li_1/104-1193490-6400769?v=glance&s=music

December 17th, 2005, 10:19 AM
The dude definitely has some chops, Robert. I listened to "Sultan's Boogie" and "Tacos Are Good", and noticed some very Satriani-like tones & scale structure. Very cool. Have you seen these guys live, or did someone else turn you onto them?

Since you're a fusion-rock junkie, might I suggest that you check one of Jeff Beck's (3) 70's-era fusion rock masterpieces: "Wired" (easily my favorite); "There & Back", or "Blow By Blow". Not all of it is high-energy, up-tempo numbers - some of it is a little more sedate (though it is very melodic, beautiful music). The up-tempo stuff is amazing, with Jeff pulling out a dizzying array of licks, squawks, bends, and blended feedback to compliment his agressive fretboard attack. A song that really puts his trademark fusion style on full display is "Freeway Jam" (off of the Blow By Blow LP), which is played (I think) on his black, 1950's era vintage Les Paul. While I'm not sure what kind of amps he was using during this period, I do know that the sound he is getting is nothing short of phenomenal. On the "Wired" album, he's playing a modded Stratocaster, and is getting a super tight, fat tone that I would easily put up against the best Strat dudes in the biz - SRV, Hendrix, and Clapton. Two of my other up-tempo Beck fusion faves include "Led Boots" (Wired) and "El Becko" (There & Back). If live is your game, check out "Jeff Beck: Live with the Jan Hammer Group. Yes, it is the same Jan Hammer who penned the "Miami Vice" theme song. And thanks, too, for being the first *official* poster on "Have You Heard"!! ;)

December 17th, 2005, 01:57 PM
I've seen Tribal Tech live, which is the fusion band Scott was in earlier. They don't play together anymore since the bass player (Gary Willis) moved to Spain. These guys play incredible stuff live, it's quite remarkable.

Thanks for the tip about Jeff Beck! I have heard some of his stuff, but not enough! I'll be checking out more. I know that Scott Henderson likes Jeff Beck a lot too.

December 19th, 2005, 09:26 AM
Scott Henderson came to my guitar school for a clinic many moons ago... What a nice guy. I got there early, and was just hanging out with the school owner and my teacher. He just walked in and sat down and started chatting... And you're right, Robert, the dude can flat play! I still have the lesson from that clinic (12 or 13 years later)... and still practice with it!

December 19th, 2005, 08:11 PM
Must have been fun and interesting to be in a clinic with Scott! What kind of material do you have from the clinic - anything you can share?

December 20th, 2005, 01:45 PM
Yep, let me get into my storage room and pull the handouts out... I'll be happy to share!