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November 11th, 2011, 07:30 PM
I've been bass-less for about a month now - pretty much rocking the guitars constantly and I had a rogue 5-string that while a decent instrument didn't really inspire me to play. Even though I had the bass I hadn't played it hardly at all.

I've been missing the bass this week bad and hit the local music go round last night and played everything they had except the $2K '74 jazz bass! NOTHING - and I mean nothing, spoke to me. I left after about an hour and half disappointed.

Bored after work tonight, I was looking for a lead guitar licks book and hit the Sam Ash. Found my book, checked out some guitars but everything was meh...so I hit the bass section.

Didn't really see much - an over-priced Traben that's been there for months, a nice squier classic vibe 50's P-bass, and this used Yamaha BB614. Now I've seen some great deals on these basses in the past but never been able to play one so I never pulled the trigger. I'd heard great things about them and played some decent lower end RB models but those weren't going to satisfy me.

I sat down and plucked a few notes on the Yamaha and immediately thought "Wow, this thing feels perfect" - the neck is just the right size, not too thick or thin, comfortable string spacing, very easy to play. It's clear the previous owner had the bass setup. Then I plugged it in - to my surprise it's an active bass which I did not know. It's sounded really really good. Combined with the ease of play, I was able to rip off my favorite blues lines even though I haven't played bass in what seems like forever.

I don't do many New anything days anymore - I go through gear like crazy lol! It seems to be part of my playing process...like I must have a new instrument. That has seemed to slow down lately. I'm kinda tired of chasing gear and actually trying to play instead. But I had to post about this bass - it's just too good of a value and very solid, great sounding a real beauty as well. It's easily in the CV quality range and with the active pickups a bit more of a deal at least IMO.

Here's a few pics - 'tis a good day to be sure :) I don't work weekends so it's going to be a great time to play it and satisfy that pull to the bass I've been feeling. The best part - $239...just wow.




November 11th, 2011, 07:56 PM
That's a really sweet looking bass. Congrats! Yamaha makes sore really good stuff. Your new bass looks great. Alder?

November 11th, 2011, 08:36 PM
Alder it is - good call!

November 11th, 2011, 10:12 PM
Cool! I love it when a plan comes together!
Sounds like the bass found the right home.

November 13th, 2011, 10:53 AM
I've been bass-less for about a month now -

What about that Ibby 5'er you showed us?

Anyway, those Yammies are very high quality basses.

Very nice score!

November 13th, 2011, 11:50 AM
I have bass envy! I've always wanted one of those! Great looking bass!!!

November 13th, 2011, 01:09 PM
What about that Ibby 5'er you showed us?

Traded for a LP - that neck was just too thin. I liked it at first but it quickly caused fretting hand issues.

Been learning "ain't no mountain high enough" this weekend. So far so good with the yammy

November 13th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Been learning "ain't no mountain high enough" this weekend. So far so good with the yammy

Oh, I had to refresh my memory on that one. What a very, very cool bass part!

Congrats if you nail that one. Sounds like a lot of fun.

I bet the Yammy on the neck pu can do the motown sound pretty well.

November 13th, 2011, 08:21 PM
I've pretty much gotten the beginning thru the first chorus and 2nd verse down. Chorus is pretty busy walking through the chords. And of course the 2nd chorus is different lol - using the transcription in the R & B Bass Bible.