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View Full Version : Fuzz pedal recommendation?

December 17th, 2005, 04:36 PM
I'm looking for recommendations for a decent fuzz pedal that doesn't cost the shirt of my back. Looking for that fuzz tone that isn't totally over the top, something like Doyle Bramhall II - he's got a cool sound.

I have a Dunlop Hendrix Octave Fuzz and it's a fun toy, but it's too crazy to use much in a band. You can't really play a chord with it and have it sound useable; it's more for single-note solo stuff.

A lot of people seem to like the Fulltone '69 and the '70, but I've never tried either. What about the different Big/Double Muff's? The Dallas Arbiter clones out there?

December 18th, 2005, 01:09 PM
That's a good question...I love Hendrix's fuzz sounds and I'm planning to buy something that may sound as his 1967 era.. but guess this would be a germanium transistor fuzz... people say they stop working when the weather is hot... this would be a problem...

I'm looking for something versatyle, for playing rhythm and leads, that cleans well when the guitar volume control is rolled off..

December 21st, 2005, 11:50 PM
Yes, something like what you mention is what I'm looking for too. Not a crazy, over-the-top one; something that is more useable.

December 22nd, 2005, 10:03 AM
I guess the Fulltone 69 would be a great choice, but this "germanium transistor thing" makes me a bit scared...

The Big Muff sounds cold to me...and sound more like a distortion pedal..I want something to fatten the sound and give sustain but with a more warm and natural sound. The Muff doesn't sound nice to me for rhythm (right spelling?) playing and chords...only for power chords.

December 22nd, 2005, 11:13 AM
You should give the DigiTech "Hot Rod" a try. IT emulates a fuzz box and a few other classic pedals. I find it does an adequate job for my fuzzy feelings when I need 'em. :)

December 22nd, 2005, 03:43 PM
How about this one - Fuzz GOD!


December 27th, 2005, 09:33 AM
the Fuzz God looks cool, but NO sound samples!!!???

December 27th, 2005, 09:21 PM
Well, I grabbed a germanium tranistor fuzz pedal off of eBay. It's called "Das Fuzz" and I've heard it does the Fuzzface tone really well, regardless of room temperature. I'll let you know what I think, once I receive it.

Another pedal that looks really cool is the Hellbilly pedal from Tonefactor - it seems very versatile. It's on my wish list!

January 4th, 2006, 12:25 AM
Hey. I've been jamming with a friend that has what I would call the ultimate stomp box for distortion. It is called a "Hoochee Mama." Incredibly versatile. He also used a Blues Drive and a Digitech Distortion Factory. They don't even come close to what this can do. It is a grermanium circuit and the bad thing about it is that it retails for $250! That's a lot of fun tickets if you know what I mean. Still it's the best I have heard.

The next you might not know about is Brian Wampler at Indy Guitarist. He offers pedal mods either done by him or by YOU. He offers deals for all the existing mods that he has on file and a lifetime subscription to any in the future. He also makes a couple of boutique boxes. Very nice guy to boot. All the mods have PDF files attached so you can see exactly what to do and he has sound clips of almost everything. Check it out. He'll run specials from time to time, everything for $25.


I've been using the Digitech Tone Driver and really like it. It has a ton of output to drive the front of an amp. These Digitech pedals eat bateries like crazy so find a power supply. I like the Tone Driver better than my Tube Screamer with brown mod. It cleans up nice when you roll off the volume on the guitar too without a loss of guitar character.

My $.02 worth.