View Full Version : Lick of the Week - Diminished Arpeggios in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen

mark wein
December 3rd, 2011, 10:24 AM
This is not super fast but it will get you the sound and show you how you can use a diminished arpeggio in a repeating sequence to get up the fretboard and create a little tension in your line that you can resolve by playing an idea that is definitely more in the key of E minor with a little pedal point lick in the second bar. All of the notes exist in the key of E Harmonic minor but how we group them into a diminished arpeggio and then a more scalar lick gives us a little bit more interest instead of just playing up and down the scale.


Click here for a printable version of this lesson. (http://markweinguitarlessons.com/p/neodim.pdf)

Click here for a Guitar Pro version of this lesson. (http://markweinguitarlessons.com/p/neodim.gp5)


For information on the Skype guitar classes that I mentioned in the video please go here and check out the threads for each class: http://markweinguitarlessons.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?67-MWGL-School-of-Music