View Full Version : Technique Question (funk walk?)

January 5th, 2012, 07:40 AM
I'm huge fan of RHCP, 311, and other bands that have a lot of rock, funk, punk feel to them and I've slowly been developing my abilities with funk. It has been challenging but it seems that aside from a few common chords it's really all about rhythm and the more comfortable I am with the guitar, the more I'm able to get into that rhythm.

However on the way into work I was listening to a really old 311 song and I realized I have no idea how he's playing it. The song is 311 Rollin':


Anyway, as soon as the guitar in the verse comes in he's doing a really common... I don't know what to call it. Funk walk? Is he sitting on one chord and hitting the low notes and then the whole thing? I'm not talking about the bassy thing he does, just the way he's playing the chords. I apologize if this is simple and already covered but sometimes I get stuck on things like this.

January 10th, 2012, 07:33 AM
Okay so I think this is just a 7 chord played with a rhythm that eludes me. I can convince myself that I'm kind of there, but my challenge is not getting the lower notes to ring out and making it sound as liquidy as he is. Going to try with a bit of an envelop filter on next and see if I can pull it together.

January 10th, 2012, 09:31 AM
Sounds to me like a 9th (aka "The James Brown Chord"). As far as getting that funk rhythm thing right it's just a matter of practice. Part of it is learning to keep the right hand steady and get the variations by muting with your left hand (assuming you're right handed.) There are plenty of lessons on the YouTube on playing funk rhythms with 9th chords. That technique will open up the entire genre to you.

January 10th, 2012, 09:37 AM
Here is a lesson I once made about the technique, although not the same chords.


January 10th, 2012, 12:17 PM
R of G - I was actually playing 7#9 so the Hendrix chord. I look at youtube quite frequently but I can't find any videos with that flying right hand type of thing. I think I understand how to do it, just need to actually be able to do it now though.

Wow, Robert - that's a really cool lesson. I'm going to be focusing on that tonight. Thanks very much.

January 10th, 2012, 05:39 PM
The guitar in the verse is mainly vamping except when it goes to the 4 chord. If you watch this live show, at 1:30 his hand position is fairly stable at the 12th fret. It's a 2 note vamp with some other single notes thrown in.


January 10th, 2012, 08:06 PM
Spud - thanks for the response, but I'm not sure I fully understand the concept of vamping there. I looked it up and it still doesn't make that much sense to me. Accompaniment improvised chord progression?

January 10th, 2012, 09:17 PM
Essentially, the position on the fret board that he is playing at during the verse allows you do do several 2 note voicings without moving your fingers much. The final part of his verse phrase is just a few other notes in the same position. It's very easy to do, but it might be something you'll have to see in person to get it or chances are you already can, and have, done it.