View Full Version : Peavey Windsor 100W Head "Clean to Mean Mod"

February 23rd, 2012, 05:22 PM
In the spirit of sharing, I wanted to offer a mod to kids and other guitar players out there who want a great tone but cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on tube amps and cabs.

Posted are three jpegs (see links below) containing the details for a modification to the Peavey Windsor 100 watt head. This is a slight variation from the mods posted by DougH (internet search Windsor Shiva preamp, Windsor Power Amp and Power Supply mods). Doug's mods are proven by many people.

Firstly, pick up a used Peavey Windsor 100 watt head for less than $200 wherever possible. They are out there. Secondly, print off the pictures below and bring your newly acquired amp and the specs to a certified guitar tech. Do not perform mods if you are unqualified. This mod shouldn't cost you more than $250 with parts and labor. If the tech is asking for over $300 he/she is quoting too much. The most expensive addition is the Hammond choke that costs roughly $40. After the completion of the mod you should have a 100W tube amp with incredible tone for under $500.

This "Clean to Mean" modification to the Windsor head maintains the single channel construction. Using humbucker pickups with Alnico 2 magnets, the amp's tonality ranges from crisp cleans to raging thick overdrive ringing with a full dynamic sound. After the mod the amp will exhibit plenty of headroom, rich harmonics, feedback and sustain that is simply controlled by the guitar's volume knob.

Personally, I keep the master volume dimed and connect the speakers through a 200 watt attenuator. The preamp is set at 12 o'clock and the guitar is plugged into the high gain setting. The tubes used are strictly ECC83's and EL34's.


The Windsor Head's architecture is highly desirable for modifications and is extremely durable.

Thanks DougH for freely sharing your knowledge and making some of us a little bit smarter.

Have fun and keep rockin'!