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View Full Version : Identify the guitar!

February 24th, 2012, 05:55 PM
Was really looking for an Amp when I found this one. http://www.blocket.se/lund/Gitarrforstarkare_och_gitarr_38788083.htm?ca=23_11&w=1
Curious about the model. The seller doesn't know apparently. For those of you who don't speak Swedish, the ad says that there's no brand on the guitar, just the name of the music store that once sold it and that his friends think it might be a Hagstrom.

It doesn't exactly match any hagstrom model I have seen, although the tuners are very similar to some of the tuners used by Hagstrom during the 60's.
The body, including the pups seem to have been painted. There are lots of knobs and switches as well. Hagstrom had lots of knobs and switches too, but they looked a lot classier.

Anyway, the guitar and amp are just $60 together... Maybe I should buy it and examine it ;)


February 24th, 2012, 06:38 PM
It kind of looks like some of the early Japanese guitars that were so prevalent. Many had very little branding on them so it might be difficult to identify. At least check the guitar out and if you think you can make it so that you are comfortable with the way that it plays then it might be a good investment. If not, leave the action high, find an open tuning and learn to play slide with it.