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View Full Version : Commodore C64

December 8th, 2006, 08:13 AM
Hey does any one here still have one or had one? I am about to buy one again on ebay. Those were very nostalgic times back in the 80's...

I loved my C64...playing Summer Games with a bunch of friends.
I tried out some emulators on my pc, but this is not the same at all.

December 8th, 2006, 10:18 AM
I had one. The C-64 was my second computer. I had abouy 15 games. it was ahead of it's time in my book. I moved on to the Commodore 128. I almost bought the Adam, but changed my mind just before buying it. I am glad I did, since it was concidered a flop.

December 8th, 2006, 11:48 AM
Actually I skipped the 64, although I played a ton of games with two of my friends who both had one (especially Dr. J vs. Bird). I owned a VIC-20 and Commodore 128. I learned to program both of them, even getting into some 6502 assembly language on the VIC. Got onto BBSs for the first time on my VIC. Good times.

I was thrilled to find "Demon Attack" on the Activision Anthology disc I've got for my PS2. I had that on a cartridge for my VIC.

December 9th, 2006, 09:46 AM
Load ""

Press Play on tape...

Wait for 25 minutes...


Why dont you try out a C-64 emulator for your computer instead? There is a lot of them out there, and games is not hard to find either. Check with google.