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View Full Version : Strat Spangled Banner

May 7th, 2012, 04:14 PM
So, the family went to a Mariners game last Friday night.

For the national anthem, they had Mike McCready of Pearl Jam come out and he played it on a beat-to-hell strat and a couple Marshall stacks.

It was very, very cool although I thought he used too much delay.

The game fairly sucked though, losing 2-3 to the Twins.

May 7th, 2012, 04:42 PM
Mike was just on That Metal Show with Michael Schenker this week. He didn't play though. I think he would have been really nervous playing in front of Schenker anyway. McCready is doing a UFO/Schenker band tribute gig lately and he's playing all Flying Vs.

FWIW - Schenker is looking really good these days and is speaking coherently. He may have finally beaten the demons back and his latest album is getting good reviews. I still have yet to check it out.

May 7th, 2012, 09:54 PM
Love McCready's lead work. Just seeing him doing the Star Spangled Banner would cancel out the bad game. Weird, though, that he used too much delay. That's an effect that I would never associate with his playing... a wah, definitely, some reverb maybe, but not delay.

And derailing the thread by post #3... Spud, If I was McCready, sitting next to Schenker, it would be all I could do not to bow down and yell "I'm not worthy!"

When the man is on, he is on... I've always dug his lead tones.

May 7th, 2012, 10:38 PM
Delay in a ballpark or stadium is redundant


