View Full Version : New Band, New Tune, Good Cause

June 7th, 2012, 09:54 AM
Hey kids, this is a new band in Chicago, bunch o' old farts. This is the first release that they got out there to help support a local NFP that serves a certain area in Chicago. They have a wide range of programs, but with the implosion in Illinois state gov't the last few years, money no longer exists to fund many of their programs. One that took a hit was the Youth Arts and Dance Program. I administered an after school sports program at a middle school for them years ago, so I'm aware of it. The organization is called Logan Square Neighborhood Association, or LSNA. Here's the link to their site (http://www.lsna.net/index.html).

Here is a link to the downloadable tune (http://celebrityhostages.bandcamp.com/track/logan-square). You can listen without buying, and you can buy for .99, or as much as you like, with 100% of the proceeds going to the program. This band is in the process of recording their first EP, but wanted to rush this out for the summer festival season, to maximize the earning opportunity for LSNA.

They're called Celebrity Hostages . Members from Red Red Meat, Precious Wax Drippings, SuperModel, New Invaders and more. Horns from Poi dog Pondering.

Oh yeah, and me. I'm singing.

there is an embeddable player on the page (i can't figure out how to embed it here...Robert?). And we're on FaceBook, come by and "like" us, and feel free to share the link/player/FB page with wreckless abandon.

And, I hope you like it. It's intended to make you tap your toe, and maybe grin a little too.

June 7th, 2012, 03:17 PM
This really good stuff. I will download and donate when I have the required stuff. Great cause, and a really hot tune. Terrific vocals too.

June 7th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Great tune, great cause. I'll be donating later this evening.

Excellent vocals TK. :AOK

June 8th, 2012, 06:27 AM
Really appreciate the feedback, and the support!