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View Full Version : Squier M-80 (My newest toy!!)

December 16th, 2006, 12:22 AM
I just picked up a Squier M-80 and I am totally thrilled with my purchase!!

Squier M-80 (http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0344100538)


I have only been playing/learning guitar for the past year but during that time I have owned a number of different electric guitars ...

Yamaha Pacifica 012 - great guitar, but it needed a lot of TLC to make it a real player and since I was very green at the time I decided that I needed something more "plug and play" ... returned to Guitar Center

Epiphone Les Paul Special II - a whole lot of bang for the buck, but I had difficulty getting a decent setup without fret buzz (it was probably because of my inexperience with adjusting guitars) ... returned to Guitar Center

Epiphone Les Paul Studio - After having troubles getting the Special II buzz free I found a local shop that offered free setups with the purchase of a new guitar ... I still have this guitar and it has been a real joy to learn with, but I'm probably going to sell it now that I have my new M-80

Gibson Les Paul Junior Special - wanted to try out a P90/P100 setup and I wanted to see what all the hype was about "real" Gibson guitars, in the end I decided that the P100s weren't for me and that the "real" Gibson mojo wasn't all that much better than what I already have with my Epiphone Les Paul Studio ... bought and sold via eBay

And most recently ...

Squier M-80 - I was looking for something a little less bulk with slightly bigger frets than the standard Les Paul frets and after shopping around for a few month I found it on sale at Sam Ash for $195.00 (it is usually $399 to $450)

I am extremely happy with my new guitar. I was leaning towards a Paul Reed Smith SE model, but this guitar just felt and sounded perfect and at the discounted price I couldn't pass it up.

LOL, this is a pretty disjointed post (it's late and I've been playing with my new guitar all evening), but I think you get the picture ... I'm thrilled and I just wanted to share! :R

I just wish I was a better player so I could post some recording, but all in due time. :)

December 16th, 2006, 02:26 AM
Congrats! The M80 seems like a nice guitar.
How is the overall quality on it? Pots, switch, pickups?
Does it have a set neck?

December 16th, 2006, 09:19 AM
That's a sweet looker for sure and I would sure love to hear it. From the sounds of it (pun intended), like me, you have less than a year under your belt and not a whole lot of confidence in your ability. I only mention this cause even though I am a poor player, the whole recording thing has been the best learining tool for me yet. And everyone here is supportive and understanding. In fact, the only humans to have heard me play in the last few months has been on this forum! The cat doesn't count and it's headphones when the wife is home. So even if you don't post any, maybe think about giving it a try.

February 2nd, 2007, 02:09 AM
Just figured that I would post a link to the new thread I started concerning my experience with my M-80 so far ... it ain't pretty, but I still like these guitars ...

Link to -> Loose Truss Rod = Broken Guitar!! (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php?t=2441)

Squier, sad, so sad ... :(