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July 7th, 2012, 09:59 AM
Hi guys can you please tell me the model and where I can buy this guitar? :


Cheers Karl

July 7th, 2012, 10:20 AM
That's a double cutaway Gibson Les Paul Junior. The folks over at the My Les Paul forum are talking about it. http://www.mylespaul.com/forums/gibson-les-pauls/124667-new-billie-joe-armstrong-signature-guitar.html

July 7th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Thanks for that reply its actually not true that it will a signature guitar though they've been saying it will be for 2 years lol. Is there anything special i.e pickups on it or is it just a standard les Paul double cutaway? What colour?


July 7th, 2012, 02:03 PM
2 pickups, 4 knobs, slab body = Les Paul Special. 2 cutaways = 1958-1961 when it was replaced with the SG body. Gibson have "reissued" this model many times over the years usually in cherry or tv yellow finishes. The neck pickup placement varied due to structural problems with the original neck joint. There are some Epiphone versions too.

Is this particular model a signature (old guy's way of saying "who is that bloke")? :)

July 8th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Hey no its not a signature model, where can I buy one like for like as to what he's playing? It's billie joe by the way

Brian Krashpad
July 13th, 2012, 08:58 AM
2 pickups, 4 knobs, slab body = Les Paul Special. 2 cutaways = 1958-1961 when it was replaced with the SG body. Gibson have "reissued" this model many times over the years usually in cherry or tv yellow finishes. The neck pickup placement varied due to structural problems with the original neck joint. There are some Epiphone versions too.

Is this particular model a signature (old guy's way of saying "who is that bloke")? :)

^ This is correct (except for calling it an SG body; while a double-cut the body is thicker than an SG, and does not have the pointy "horns" nor the body contours of an SG). 2 P-90's = LP Special, not Junior (which is a single bridge dog-ear, not 2 soapbars).

Another option is a used Hamer Special, I added a pickguard to mine though:


These things rock hard and can often be picked up for the price of a used Gibby LP Studio.
