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July 11th, 2012, 08:57 AM
Well that windstorm that the US east coast had made a giant tree fell on my house, 2 cars and a small part of my head. I'm okay, just a bump/bruise, but my house, cars, and mind aren't. Both cars totaled, there's a hole in my roof and other property damage (gutters, siding, fencing, landscaping). The insult to injury was that we lost power for 10 days and the other insult to injury was the heat wave.


Both cars were under there.

We got out of there, and now we're just picking up the pieces. I have to buy 2 new cars and juggle a whole lot of work being done to my property. Lost everything in the fridges... it's a real shame. I'm probably going to throw out my refrigerators because the smell is so bad.

Anyway, the thing that makes me most nervous are buying 2 new cars. I was happy about no car payments, now it looks like I'll have them again. Insurance is covering well, but my wife wants a new car since we're hoping to start a family. We're thinking of a Volvo SUV. Thoughts, haggle tips?

I lost my 05 Jeep Wrangler. What a beast that thing was. I loved it to pieces and I'm going to miss it sorely. I want to buy another one but they're so expensive...

July 11th, 2012, 12:52 PM
Yikes. That's really living in the trees. I'm glad that everyone is alright though.

I hope that you don't run into any insurance hassles. It's traumatic enough just dealing with what happened that you shouldn't have to fight anyone for the services you've been paying for.

Thanks for the update. Let us know how it goes.

July 11th, 2012, 01:01 PM
Well that windstorm that the US east coast had made a giant tree fell on my house, 2 cars and a small part of my head. I'm okay, just a bump/bruise, but my house, cars, and mind aren't. Both cars totaled, there's a hole in my roof and other property damage (gutters, siding, fencing, landscaping). The insult to injury was that we lost power for 10 days and the other insult to injury was the heat wave.


Both cars were under there.

We got out of there, and now we're just picking up the pieces. I have to buy 2 new cars and juggle a whole lot of work being done to my property. Lost everything in the fridges... it's a real shame. I'm probably going to throw out my refrigerators because the smell is so bad.

Anyway, the thing that makes me most nervous are buying 2 new cars. I was happy about no car payments, now it looks like I'll have them again. Insurance is covering well, but my wife wants a new car since we're hoping to start a family. We're thinking of a Volvo SUV. Thoughts, haggle tips?

I lost my 05 Jeep Wrangler. What a beast that thing was. I loved it to pieces and I'm going to miss it sorely. I want to buy another one but they're so expensive...

Thank god that your Guitars are ok.... right ? Remember to tell the insurance company that your $15k Gibson also got totalled :D

July 11th, 2012, 01:08 PM
Looks like you've had a quick tour of hell. I hope you both get through this soon. As for the stinky fridge, a bleach/water mix might be enough to get the odors out.

If I were to buy a car this week, I'd look at Mazda 3's and CX 5's, or the Ford Focus 5 door.


http://build.ford.com/dig/Ford/Focus/2013/BP3TT-FULL-EXT/Image%5B%7CFord%7CFocus%7C2013%7C1%7C1.%7C.P3N..UJ ..882.59M.89W.585.64R.44W.HAT.TAT.%5D/EXT/1/vehicle.png

July 11th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Wow... Just wow...

That well and truly sucks, Glacies. I hope the insurance company acts fast and the recovery is quick. Does your homeowner's policy cover you and the Mrs. staying in a hotel while repairs/renovations are underway?

Tips for buying a new car:

1. Be prepared to walk away. Emotional attachment is the one thing that will kill your negotiating power.
2. At every stage of the process, the car dealer has built in ways to make money. If they make a big deal about just giving the car away, they aren't. There are holdbacks built into even the invoice price where the dealer makes money. They also make a good chunk of change in financing. Examine everything. Twice.
3. Extended warranties can add value, but can also add a lot of cost. Be wary.
4. A lot of "dealer added" features may not have any real value at all, and may just add to your bottom line.
5. Never, EVER take the first deal. Dealers call those people "flops," as in "Earl just flopped for the first offer." Shortly after, high fives ensue for the massive commission the sales guy just earned.

Or, if you have one in your area, I would look at CarMax. No haggle pricing, and will deliver nationwide to another location for a relatively small fee. You could find a one year old used car and save a ton of money on the the new car depreciation, often with plenty of warranty left over.http://www.carmax.com/

Good luck man!

July 11th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Good Golly Miss Molly!

I am really sorry to hear. Hope you get back into the swing fast. Fret Mojo will be sent.

July 11th, 2012, 01:24 PM
Sorry to hear what you've been through Glacies. I hope things turn around quickly.

Brian Krashpad
July 13th, 2012, 09:12 AM

Mojo sent!

July 13th, 2012, 10:43 AM
Wow, that really sucks. Good thing you didn't get seriously injured.

Keep in mind that Volvos have very high maintenance and repair costs.

FWIW, I'm a Toyota guy.

July 16th, 2012, 03:22 AM
Sorry to hear the bead news I hope your insurance will cover most of the damages and that you can rebuild your house without too much additional cost :( On the car thing I'm the owner of Nissan cars since 20 years (different models) and I never had any troubles with them. During my trip in Quebec and Gaspesie in June we had an Altima which seems to be a real good car