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View Full Version : Alt-Country Band Asked Me to Sit in on Rehearsal-On Bass...Advice?

Commodore 64
September 4th, 2012, 07:26 AM
I've worked on amps for some of the members of Ohio Joe (http://www.reverbnation.com/ohiojoe) and frequented their local shows. The bass player would like to play some pedal steel so I think they are looking for some bass help. Recently, I have been playing bass for a my local music store's Rock Star Band (students rehearse a short set list for a couple months and play 2 shows for friends and family). So I've played bass on a grand total of 5 songs (Take it Easy, Margaritaville, Cinnamon Girl, After Midnight, and Learn to Fly).

Suffice to say I do a lot of banging on the root notes, and it's fun. But I think I'll need a few other bullets in the chamber. Been working on the songs on Ohio Joe's Reverbnation Page (linked above). I asked if he had any chord charts, he said "not really", so I've been figuring out those by ear. Working on a lot of root/5th basslines. If any of you have the time or inclination to listen to some of those songs and give me some clue, that'd be just peachy. :)