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View Full Version : Need humility??

December 21st, 2006, 10:38 AM
Well, have I got an idea for you! Try to keep up with EVH in one of his band's classic full-speed-ahead rockers! Man, that boy can pick 'em up and lay 'em down! I'm approaching this tune as a good learning experience, because of all the different stuff he does throughout the song. Here's my highly unpolished version of the end of the tune. Next up will be trying to learn the solo break, followed by attempting the tapping intro, with that insanely fast run that leads into the main part of the song. That may just plain be beyond my reach. It'll be fun to try though! You "children of the 80's" may find this kind of mundane, but it's "new" stuff for me.

DVM assassinates the ending of Hot for Teacher (https://app.box.com/file/33305999)


Geez, I suppose I should give the techie details. Recorded using my Epi LP, bridge p'up and my Vox AD30VT with the UK'80's amp model + reverb. Treble & bass dimed, and mids scooped down just below halfway. Gain at about three-quarters. Rolled back the volume on the guitar at the beginning to clean up the tone some, then full-out for the remainder of the tune. Recorded using Audacity, with the amp mic'ed into my PC's sound card. Backing track from GuitarBT.com (link further down in this thread). I also found a PowerTab (http://www.power-tab.net/guitar.php) file for the tune and downloaded that, which makes it a lot easier to learn the song, rather than trying to pick it all up by ear!

***EDIT #2***

THIS GUY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAAh7DfmY3Y) is my inspiration....

December 21st, 2006, 11:03 AM
DuVooDoo – I believe you chose the wrong word when you use “assassinate”. Do not be so hard on yourself. I think you did a very fine job on the EVH song. I wish I could get my fingers to hit the right frets, and also move that fast. The song posted is a good representation of your increase in knowledge and playability. Humility is a good virtue ... but so is confidence. Keep up the excellent work.

December 21st, 2006, 11:17 AM
that's excellent - loved the fast picking stuff at the end.
Have you got the full backing track? - would love to give it a try

December 21st, 2006, 11:51 AM
very nice, I never try that hard just lazy I guess :) from some one who only noodles thats pretty good

December 21st, 2006, 12:16 PM
Have you got the full backing track? - would love to give it a try
Got it from GuitarBT.com. You can grab it HERE (http://www.guitarbt.com/index.php?page=dl_info&cat=Van%20Halen&file=Van%20Halen%20-%20Hot%20For%20Teacher&ext=mp3), Lev....

December 21st, 2006, 12:25 PM
DuVooDoo – I believe you chose the wrong word when you use “assassinate”. Do not be so hard on yourself. I think you did a very fine job on the EVH song. I wish I could get my fingers to hit the right frets, and also move that fast. The song posted is a good representation of your increase in knowledge and playability. Humility is a good virtue ... but so is confidence. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the encouragement, Tim. I don't think it sucked--I wouldn't have posted it, if I did--but when I play it back, I hear all the goofs and rough spots. Can't help but to mentally compare it to what I know the tune should sound like, even though I know it's unrealistic to think I could match EVH note for note at my skill/experience level. Probably the toughest part of that tune for me is just staying on tempo, because I'm playing about as fast as I can through most of it! Kerc calls mistakes "clams", and I could open a raw bar with that clip! ;) :D

December 21st, 2006, 01:28 PM
DVM that rocked ... not bad for an old guy .. i'm going to have to come over with some uberglogg xmas and get you to show me that one .. cheers 6S9L

December 21st, 2006, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, Tim. I don't think it sucked--I wouldn't have posted it, if I did--but when I play it back, I hear all the goofs and rough spots.

duVooDoo - I am sure that EVH can hear mistakes in his tunes also. Keep picking.

December 21st, 2006, 02:43 PM
Really enjoyed the tone and the playing... I don't know the song..so I don't know the mistakes... worked for me! Your getting to EVH...I would be happy getting to DVM! :) keep'em comming!!

December 21st, 2006, 03:49 PM

GREAT RUN! wish i could do that.

DVM good job man, 6strings9lives...what, pray tell is uberglogg?

December 21st, 2006, 03:53 PM
LOL!! :D :D :D Thanks, Carp!

December 21st, 2006, 04:10 PM
I don't know the song..so I don't know the mistakes...
Well, we can't have that!!! Never let it be said that TheFret ain't ed-joo-kaish-un-al! HERE'S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmKh29lp4tM) the original Van Halen video for the tune....

December 21st, 2006, 04:44 PM
DVM, I thought you did a fine rendition. I can't even get close to anything like that...yet...but I keep trying.:D
I thought you got a great sound on it, also. Thanks for sharing.:R

December 21st, 2006, 07:30 PM
Well, we can't have that!!! Never let it be said that TheFret ain't ed-joo-kaish-un-al! HERE'S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmKh29lp4tM) the original Van Halen video for the tune....

Thanks DVM
Wow..I had to watch it 3 times before I heard the music...kept watching the teacher!... in anycase.. if you had David Lee singing with you DVM.. you would have sounded as good! imho..

December 21st, 2006, 08:02 PM
How come we don't have any clapping smileys?
Just pretend that I'm throwing out several for you DVM. That was great. Woo hoo!

December 21st, 2006, 08:28 PM
Thanks, Spuds. You mean something like this?


I bet when Eddie played it, he got this:

http://duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/105.gif http://duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/rocker.gif

December 21st, 2006, 11:11 PM
Thanks, Spuds. You mean something like this?

Hey wait a sec, where'd you get Stingx's smileys??? DVM, I thought it was great. Way to go!

December 24th, 2006, 08:15 AM
If I had any smileys I would add them here. Great job DVM! I am looking forward to the day I can "assassinate" that well.

December 25th, 2006, 07:55 AM
Thanks, Spuds. You mean something like this?


I bet when Eddie played it, he got this:

http://duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/105.gif http://duhvoodooman.com/miscimages/rocker.gif
Yup, just like that....man I am soo behind you guys.