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View Full Version : New Ayreon album for 2013

October 20th, 2012, 06:19 PM
The mad Dutchman is at it again. What does this mean? Interesting clues, great singers, ripping guitarists and some kind of concept that actually makes sense. That's what you get with an Aryeon album, oh, and good diverse music of a Prog nature. Check out the trailer it's pretty cute.


October 20th, 2012, 09:59 PM
Any albums from him/them that you'd particularly recommend? I listened a bit on the YouTube and was intrigued.

October 20th, 2012, 10:57 PM
Any albums from him/them that you'd particularly recommend? I listened a bit on the YouTube and was intrigued.

All of them. The cool thing is that on all Areon album he has a cast of super singers and other musicians mainly from other well known bands like Dead Soul Tribe, Iron Maiden, After Forever, Kings X, Symphony X etc.

Each album has a concept/story. I really like Human Equation. It's really diverse. Electric Castle is really amazing too. If you start with The Final Experiment and then go to Universal Migrator (more heavy) you'll easily catch on to the continuing theme that connects all the albums which may not be apparent if you go from Final Experiment to Human Equation. Star One is probably the heaviest of all. They did a DVD of Star One and it rocks! This cut features Russel Allen (Symphony X) and Damien Wilson (Threshold). Most of the DVD is on Youtube. It's one of my favorites.


Human Equation chronicles two boyhood friends through life and death. Electric Castle is a group of people (and fantastic singers) that share a life and death ordeal. The earlier albums fall more into a Sci-Fi category, still about life/death and connection to the Universe. Pretty heady stuff but fun to listen to especially on headphones. He's a master at production.
