View Full Version : Unknown Hinson retiring from touring

November 15th, 2012, 07:34 PM
Emailed today:

Well, it had to happen eventually. I, Stuart Baker, pka Unknown Hinson, have come to the end of my touring career. After nearly 18 years of hitting the highway, I'm taking a permanent break from the road. There are some real sharks out there in the music business, but we've been lucky enough to get out without any serious injuries, and with a lot of happy, cherished memories. I definitely have the coolest audiences in the universe. I've had club owners and managers say really nice things about you - your behavior, your manners, your friendly attitudes, your way of herding the over-served toward the door, and from the bar staff - your generous tips!

Thanks to all of the friendly, funny and talented people I've met along the way. I've always been humbled by the level of fan loyalty. So very many good folks I've met and conversed with have become my close friends. It's been a pleasure and an honor to play for you. Every bit of enthusiasm shown by the audiences who came to see me perform was appreciated. Your support at the shows made each night a better one, and my life a richer one.

I will continue to produce music and distribute it through the site, and we're working to finish the DVD (now that we definitely have the time).
You just don't know how much the handshakes, compliments on the music, positive comments and over-the-top loyalty has meant to me, and how they gave me the desire and ability to carry on. Don't be strangers - my email is unknown@unknownhinson.com. I'm proud to have met all of you and trust that you have a happy, healthy and wealthy future. (You'll still be hearing me as Early Cuyler on Adult Swim's Squidbillies program)

We'll still be doing giveaways and newsletters via our fan base list, so if you haven't signed up, the form is waiting at www.unknownhinson.com (http://unknownhinson.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=591c0215d65493dfd8daafcf4&id=864bd745fe&e=9221c8e3b0) - fans.

Best Regards,
Unknown Hinson (Stuart Baker)

November 16th, 2012, 09:45 AM
I'm disappointed I won't get to see him live, but can still enjoy the music. Thanks for a lot of fun music.

November 16th, 2012, 02:00 PM
Live from last week:
(gets going 1 minute in)


Excellent "Voodoo Child" cover...


November 16th, 2012, 08:24 PM
:socoolWhat a "long strange trip its been".............................:socool