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December 31st, 2006, 04:04 PM
Buffalo Bros. is having a blowout on G&L tributes. I hear that they are going for $299. I thought very seriously about getting an ASAT Tribute, but I can't afford it right now.


January 3rd, 2007, 06:54 PM
One G&L Tribute S-500 in sunburst with maple fretboard, tool bag, cable and gig bag...$299.00
Shipping to my door from Buffalo Bros in Carlsbad California...$42.00
The expression on my wife's face when I told her I HAD to buy this guitar...Priceless

The guitar is on the way and I am GEEKED! I played one today at a local dealer and all I can say is WOW! There are 3 Tribute dealers within driving distance and only one had a S-500 left after the Christmas rush and am I glad I went to the trouble of finding one to try. I know the Tribute Tele's are very highly rated, but I have wanted a Strat type guitar since I learned what a single coil was and the S-500 gets similar raves. The worst part now is the waiting, and then I was told I must leave the guitar, unopened, in the box, in the house, for 24 hours to "acclimate" !!!
I am so hyped I could talk about this guitar for hours, but I think I'll wait until it arrives, play it until my fingers ache, then talk about it for hours!
If the one I end up with plays and sounds like the one at the store, this has to be one of the bargains of the year.

I thank you Tot, although I don' think the wife agrees!

January 3rd, 2007, 07:31 PM
That's what I'm here for Hog. To mess with your wife.

January 4th, 2007, 01:18 AM
Congrats Hog. I used to own a 1983 S-500, in Tobacco Burst on MaHOGany, and it was one of the sweetest playing and sounding guitars that I ever owned. The only reason it's gone today is the '85 MaHOGany L-2000 which replaced it!

BTW, the old S-500s were a different bunch, as you can see by following the link below. It always made me just a bit sad that Leo bought into the marketing folks and OK'd the change to a more standard strat-like appearance.

1982 MaHOGany S-500 (http://www.buffalobrosguitars.com/images23000-23999/ugb23666-g&ls500/index.html)

January 11th, 2007, 08:50 PM
The G&L Tribute has arrived! Taking a break and typing with one hand. I will get some better pictures and do a review after I have spent some more time with it, but so far this is one sweet guitar to me.


I haven't found a thing off or wrong yet. Setup is right on, lowest action I have yet played. She's beefier than I recalled from when I tried one, but has way more sustain than the 51. Lots more controls than I'm used to, so I will have to fiddle around some before I post any real sound samples, but here is a backing track I did with it.


Definitely a keeper.

January 11th, 2007, 08:59 PM
The G&L Tribute has arrived! Taking a break and typing with one hand.

I'm glad you got the G&L Hog, but I think you've taken Sunvalley Steve's "Huge Honeymoon Hard-on" (or however that goes) too much to heart. :D

January 11th, 2007, 09:17 PM
I'm glad you got the G&L Hog, but I think you've taken Sunvalley Steve's "Huge Honeymoon Hard-on" (or however that goes) too much to heart. :D

LOL! I believe I was a bit more subtle. Hog, man, you make it hard on us other newbies. You sound great! Glad you like the new axe!

January 11th, 2007, 10:00 PM
LOL! Guess I got a little carried away there....

January 12th, 2007, 12:13 AM
Congrats on the new toy, uh, tool, uh, necessity, uh,..well, however Mrs. Hog likes you to justify it.

Definitely a keeper.