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View Full Version : Played last night with Crash Pad

Brian Krashpad
October 25th, 2014, 11:42 AM
For the first time in months. New drummer and our former bassist sitting in for current one (who had a gig with his commercially viable band), so it was a bit messy, but hey that's punk rock.

We did two new songs that were particularly shambolic, but I can tell they'll actually be good and work, once we actually learn them. While I was being overly optimistic with choosing those, this was in a tiny roadhouse dive an hour away from home, so it was a no-risk scenario. We had a good time and the crowd enjoyed it. Even made enough to pay for our gas, and a free drink each.

Good times.





October 25th, 2014, 10:17 PM
Glad to hear your still playin' Krash. You look pretty good too......keeping the weight off and such.

Brian Krashpad
October 26th, 2014, 07:24 AM
Thanks. I wouldn't mind dropping 10 or so pounds, but this is a decent healthy weight. ;)

October 27th, 2014, 10:17 AM
Nice moves! I'm impressed!

Is that an Agile or Gibson?

Brian Krashpad
October 27th, 2014, 11:09 AM
Nice moves! I'm impressed!

Haha, ta Robert!

Is that an Agile or Gibson?

That's my Gibson LP Classic. I figured since I was playing at a venue new to us, and out of town (Lake City about an hour north of Gainesville), and was playing with a patched together rhythm section and trying out new material to boot, the least I could do was bring my most expensive gitbox. Plus the lead singer in the headliner that invited us up is both a huge gearhead and a huge Gibson man. So, I brought 3 Gibbies, though the other 2 stayed racked and were only there for backup: 2013 Gibson whitewash SGJ, 2012 Gibson black satin LP Special, and the '99 LP Classic.

Here's the Classic:


The Classic is my most "expensive" guitar in terms of flat dollar amount paid, but at $750 USD I consider it a pretty decent bargain. It was like new when purchased w/ohsc, too. (Has plenty o' batle scars by now though!)

As for Agiles, somewhat remarkably I've actually only ever owned one Agile, a P-90 Valkyrie SG. I sold it 3 or 4 years ago to an internet friend who, sfaik, still has it and is quite happy with it. It was a great bargain at $99 USD new on blowout (after one of Gibson's "cease and desist" letters to Rondo Music), but I have lots of P-90 guitars, and now a Gibson SG (my most recent addition, about a year and half ago), so I'm good with having let her go.

And here's an actual still shot, to calm everyone's blinky-induced seizures:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10177455_10152794480323879_1737814032038334475_n.j pg?oh=823520fbf8e66577768a2598bd5febd9&oe=54EE09F4&__gda__=1424585377_0800df2c6329bb37604347a691b752e f

October 28th, 2014, 07:06 AM
You are a star.

Brian Krashpad
October 28th, 2014, 07:54 AM
You are a star.

Haha, that's very kind, but I'm just a player in a piss-ant punk band that nobody's ever heard of. It's fun though. Rather than a star I think I'm probably more than a little like the guys in that Canadian metal band Anvil, who are just too stubborn to quit. Though I think there's something to be said for sheer persistence.
