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View Full Version : Possible new blood....Heritage Guitar Forum Exiles

December 15th, 2014, 12:28 PM
A few of you may remember me, haven't posted much but I hope that will change. I've been Tio Kimo on this forum for a bunch o' years. Robert graciously allowed me to change the name to something that represents my broader forum identity, which you see here.

By way of explanation, and warning.....I've been very very active on the Heritage Forum ever since I bought my 535 a couple/three years ago. Made some wonderful friends there, and sated my guitar chat jones such that I seldom came through here. So I guess this makes the Fret the reliable old flame that you couldn't get out of your mind.....

Well the Heritage Guitar Forum has folded. That leaves a fairly active community adrift. I mentioned, only just mentioned, and sorta kinda recommended this forum as an alternative. Wanted to let you know, and ask that you give any exiles that may appear a hearty welcome.

None may arrive. That's cool, but if they do, you can flame me.

December 15th, 2014, 02:29 PM
The collapse of the Heritage Owners Club forum is a real shame. While the forum had some definite "social issues", there was a large number of very knowledgeable & dedicated players and, of course, a wealth of info about Heritage guitars. I joined that forum back early in the year after buying, with Kip/kidsmoke's able assistance, a used H555 semihollowbody (as seen HERE (http://www.thefret.net/showthread.php/21805)) from one of the forum regulars there. As most of you probably know, Heritage guitars are hand-made in the former Gibson factory in Kalamazoo MI and are AT LEAST as good as their more famous forebears. Heritage owners tend to be rather fanatical about the brand, and it's easy to understand why.

Anyway, as Kip has noted, their forum is being shutdown, and I expect we may be seeing some (many? a boatload?) of the HOC regulars stopping by here to check out TheFret. Let's welcome them.

Robert--any chance of maybe establishing a Heritage sub-forum in the Instruments section? I dare say these folks would start filling it up pretty quickly with some very tasty guitar photos and associated info.

December 15th, 2014, 02:46 PM
Your wish is my command - go post the first one in here, guys! And welcome the Heritage owners from the other forum!



December 15th, 2014, 03:47 PM
First post made!


December 15th, 2014, 07:31 PM
Hey Tio/Kidsmoke - glad I read this note as I had identified you as TioKimo by avatar and hadn't noticed the name change...

December 15th, 2014, 07:42 PM
Cheers TJ. how's Plymouth treating you? My Nephew who grew up there Just took a job with the Town that could well last to retirement, lives right downtown.

December 16th, 2014, 02:10 PM
I was a charter member of the HOC. Sad to see it is gone but these things run their course.
I've been a member here since 2009. Not sure why I have not posted more...need to fix that.