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View Full Version : My son an I cover a James Bay song

January 25th, 2015, 11:39 AM
My 12-year old son sings "Hold back the river" and I try to strum some guitar ;-)
Don't be to harsh with your judgement :-)


January 25th, 2015, 05:42 PM
Bravo - that was beautiful! I wouldn't expect any harsh reviews! Louis has a beautiful voice and really knows how to use it, which is just as important. I assume that he must have learned to sing like that from his dad?! And just lovely that it's the two of you performing together.

BTW - your English is amazing, Jimi, but Louis sounds absolutely like a native speaker - too cool! Keep it up you guys!

January 26th, 2015, 12:09 AM
Thanks a lot for your great feedback! You know it's been a long time since we made music together for the last time. Louis is singing in a band and in a church choir so our "let's jam together" moments became rare recently :-(
Indeed he can controle his voice pretty fine and I hope he will not lose motivation - 12 is a difficult age, we all know :-)

January 26th, 2015, 07:48 AM
Sehr gut! :AOK (or should it be "viel gutes"?)

Wow, what a beautiful voice your son has. I can see (hear) he has a singing future if he so desires.

January 26th, 2015, 01:30 PM
Thanks my friend! Sehr gut is absolutely correct :-)

January 26th, 2015, 07:12 PM
Normally when someone posts a "hear my child sing" video, my eyes almost immediately start to roll. In this case, I definitely make an exception. You can tell that your son has been in a choir because he has good command of his voice, especially for a 12 year old. Keep encouraging him. As was said before his English is excellent as well. He really seems to have the Sprachgefuehl, if I can mix languages like that :)

January 27th, 2015, 12:24 AM
Normally when someone posts a "hear my child sing" video, my eyes almost immediately start to roll. In this case, I definitely make an exception. You can tell that your son has been in a choir because he has good command of his voice, especially for a 12 year old. Keep encouraging him. As was said before his English is excellent as well. He really seems to have the Sprachgefuehl, if I can mix languages like that :)

Nah, I know exactly what you mean...those parents who push their kids and make them little adults :-(
My kids can chose their paths on their own. There's always music around in our home and this was a Sunday afternoon jam before we went to have dinner. I have uploaded this to YouTube because my son wanted to show it to some friends.

January 27th, 2015, 02:12 AM
great job

January 27th, 2015, 04:21 PM
What a great moment. Gotta cherish those. My son and I had some fine moments playing guitar together, just not enough. Now he's off making his way in life teaching in the UK. I wish we had seized more chances to play together. Hope you grab every one you can get.

January 28th, 2015, 05:03 AM
Wonderful cover Jimi, Louis has a great and clear voice and possess a good timing which is quite essential for a singer, your harmonies are sounding sweet and Nothing is better that enjoying playing music together

Hats off to both of you Es ist toll !

January 28th, 2015, 08:46 AM
That was great! It is always so special to be able to create music with your kids. I have a some videos with my daughter on youtube, but no singing... your son has a great sense for time and pitch. He's gonna be an awesome musician!

February 2nd, 2015, 03:04 PM
That was great! It is always so special to be able to create music with your kids. I have a some videos with my daughter on youtube, but no singing... your son has a great sense for time and pitch. He's gonna be an awesome musician!

Thanks a lot for the compliment. I sometimes ask him to sing a line when I check a new idea for the band. You know, puberty makes these moments rare but he's surely gonna stay true to the music....can't stop singing, this little fellow :-)