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View Full Version : Arpeggio Runs & New Camera Angle

February 20th, 2016, 04:44 PM
I'm almost happy with the new camera angle. I'll tweak it a little bit, and I will use a different guitar. I find the wood grain makes the strings harder to see. Hey maybe I should start using neon strings for lessons - haha!


February 22nd, 2016, 06:31 AM
For sure a better angle camera, I'm also a suscriber of Texas Blues Alley channel.

February 22nd, 2016, 08:41 PM
I've gotten used to the straight on view over time, but this one does look a lot easier to 'translate' from.

February 22nd, 2016, 10:52 PM
So far, I've had over 98% positive comments on this new angle. Thanks guys!

February 22nd, 2016, 11:41 PM
I prefer the usual view on the fretboard. I think it is in us human beings that a learning process is a you-me "confrontation".

February 23rd, 2016, 11:06 AM
I think the new camera angle is interesting but for me....I do better learning from a "straight-on confrontation" view best.

February 23rd, 2016, 11:10 AM
Maybe less bright lighting would give better contrast for the strings against the rosewood fretboard?

February 23rd, 2016, 12:43 PM
I prefer the usual view on the fretboard. I think it is in us human beings that a learning process is a you-me "confrontation".

So far, I've had over 98% positive comments on this new angle.

Ok, so make it 97% now... :cry:

February 23rd, 2016, 12:44 PM
Maybe less bright lighting would give better contrast for the strings against the rosewood fretboard?

No it does not, but a different fretboard solved the problem.
