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View Full Version : Katana Amp Obsessed!

October 23rd, 2017, 06:08 PM
Since there are now 8 banks of presets available to the 100/112 combo as of firmware version 2.x, I have the first four optimized for single coil, strat-like guitars and the latter four optimized for humbuckers. I've made some meticulous changes to the global EQ and how the final live, and recorded, output sounds. Anyway, not really tweaking the amp so much as just playing various guitars I own through it and diggin the sounds it produces. I'm very impressed with this amp especially at its low price point. You get a heluva lot for little coin.

Once again, had the iPhone record a little jamming I did to previously laid down tracks. There's nothing added here, just the guitar plugged into the amp and a bit of overdrive, reverb, delay (all built-in) applied for taste.


October 24th, 2017, 01:48 PM
Seems to sound good but it's hard to really tell from the iPhone audio.