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December 29th, 2005, 12:44 AM
Some of the newer albums that are coming out are absolutely amazing as far as sonic clarity and musical diversity.

Two that I find very compelling are Roine Stolt's Wall Street Voodoo and Neal Morse's ?. They both guest on each others album. The playing and writing is magnificent. Both make pretty good observations and statements about current affairs and the state of mankind. Wonderful to listen to as the songs have so many textures. Not to mention the level of playing is world class. Jordan Rudess and Mike Portnoy guest on Neal's album. We don't know who is on Roine's because the names are ficticious due to record label contracts. http://www.flowerkings.se/

Another good one is Glenn Hughes Soul Mover. J.J. Marsh tears it up on guitar and Glenn tells what it's like being free of the horses that rode him for so long.

The Mob has a great new album. It's Reb Beach and Kelly Keagy and Doug Pinnick. surprising for a bunch of Americans. http://www.rebbeach.com/index_2.htm

Personally I find much, not all, of the new American music lacking and unispirational. Seems like all the really good musicians type music is in Europe nowdays.

December 29th, 2005, 12:48 AM
I have heard of the Flower Kings, and I should, shouldn't I? :)
I haven't heard of Neal Morse, though. How do you like John Norum's guitar playing? He is a Swedish guitar player who has played with Glenn Hughes.

December 29th, 2005, 12:53 AM
Neal Morse is/was the main creative force behind Spocks Beard. Now gone solo and he don't suck.

John Norum. Used to play with Europe too. The first time I heard his solo record in a record store I froze - listened -then bought the disc. It seems somewhat dated now but boy can he play. Yingwie is his buddy. Can you imagine the two together. My head would explode.

December 29th, 2005, 05:01 PM
Well all right Spudman! Heading for the tall gears right out of the box! Glen Hughes has always been one of my favorites, and has remained very active as a solo artist following his days with rock legends Deep Purple (which I believe was a rather short stint, as Roger Glover returned to DP after his brief stint with Richie Blackmore & Rainbow) One of my absolute favorite rock & roll albums of all time is the "Hughes / Thrall" LP from 1982, in which Glenn collaborates with ex-Pat Travers guitarist / wingman Pat Thrall. That album was so hot (and still is, by the way), I thought it would literally melt on my turntable as it played. Totally smokin' stuff! If you want to check out more on Glenn Hughes, he has an awesome website here: http://www.glennhughes.com/index.html

Doug Pinnick (vocalist / bassist for King's X) is another fantastic talent, and one we should really be hearing more about. Doug has one of the most soulful, powerful voices in hard rock, and combined with the explosive guitar work of his King's X bandmate Ty Tabor, their songs literally move mountains in shape and form. Their latest effort, "Ogre Tones", is reminiscent of some of their earlier work on "Gretchen Goes To Nebraska" and "Out of the Silent Planet", though still abound with a refreshing, new vigor, and their lush vocal harmonies. Find out more about King's X here: http://www.kingsxonline.com/

Reb Beach made a name for himself as the lead guitarist for 80's pop-metal darlings Winger, but has played with just about everybody who's anybody in hard rock following hair metal's demise in the early 90's (smells like wha'? Oh yeah - Teen Spirit - almost forgot!) He counts Dokken, Alice Cooper, Twisted Sister, and Whitesnake among his post-Winger, six-string missions. A master-shredder in every sense of the word, Reb's fretboard prowess rivals that of some of the best in the wicked licks biz - George Lynch, Jake E. Lee, Joe Satriani, Nuno Bettencourt, and Steve Vai. And if you want to know what Reb's favorite kind of sandwich is (and really, who wouldn't), you can find out at: http://www.rebbeach.com/index_2.htm

Kelly Keagy was previously "motorin'" with the boys from Night Ranger, providing the stellar vocals (and drums) for some of their mammoth radio anthems in the mid-80's (*ahem* Sister Christian, what's your price for flight?)

The rest of the stuff is new to me, and I'm nearly *giddy* with excitement upon considering the prospect of listening to a band called "Spock's Beard". I believe that would mean he's the evil Spock, right? Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor . . . er, I mean guitar player. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER! :D

December 30th, 2005, 10:55 AM
Just got through listening to The Mob samples on the website... I am floored, and am gonna have to put the guitar away and give up...

Reb Beach is still absolutely smokin' on guitar. I just wish I could do what he does for a living and not starve.

December 30th, 2005, 11:17 AM
That new Mob is some tasty stuff, ain't it? As for playin' and not starvin', though, it looks like "rubber biscuits" for this boy!! Ha ha ha! :D