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View Full Version : Debbie Davies

February 10th, 2007, 12:25 PM
She's hardly new to the blues guitar scene, but I just came across her recently, and love her technique, tone and heart. Check this out.

February 10th, 2007, 12:54 PM
More great playing by her here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KVCMYG390o

February 10th, 2007, 01:42 PM
I've been a fan for many years now. Thanks for bringing her up.
She played just a few blocks from my house, but I was out of town for the show.:(

February 10th, 2007, 01:55 PM
yeah i've got one of her cd's....good stuff

i like susan tedeschi too!


February 11th, 2007, 11:31 PM
Yes, I've been into her music for a while now too. There was a period, some years back (mid-'90s), when all of a sudden, a bumper crop of women really surfaced on the blues scene, and Debbie was among them. A number of them got their introduction via Antone's, a blues club in Austin, TX.

Aside from Debbie, and Susan Tedeschi, who Warren already mentioned, there's Marcia Ball and Sue Foley. A gal named "Natasha" was doing her thing on the East Coast, while Keri Leigh came out strong with an album titled "Blue Devil Blues."

At the time, of all of them, I really liked Sue Foley and Keri Leigh. They both appeared to have that Janis edgy sort of style, especially Keri. I was somewhat sad that after 3 albums, she seemed to drop into obscurity. I'm glad Sue Foley is still around, although her sound has become more commercial and mainstream. She's still great though.

Locally, here in The Windy City, we have Liz Mandville Greeson. She is a blues belter extraordinaire, and to her credit, she coaxed Aaron Burton, Albert Collins' former bass player, out of retirement. That's a good thing, because he really knows how to lay down the bottom end! Liz, aside from having several albums to her credit, is one of the artists featured on Earwig Record's 20th Anniversary Collection.

February 12th, 2007, 02:34 AM
A gal named "Natasha" was doing her thing on the East Coast,
wow....i saw natasha at a blues dive in nyc in 1990! she has one heck of a voice and her band was really good too. I had a great time and ended up hanging out with them between sets....good people.

I can't believe someone else has heard of her!


February 12th, 2007, 09:47 AM
I have read something about Debbie recently in a German Blues magazine.
Shortly after that I visited her myspace site and I was very positively surprised of what I heard. She plays with huge passion and her tone is a dream and her voice sounds like she has experienced a lot.

Cool that you mentioned her with your thread.