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February 15th, 2007, 01:49 PM
Ok, I got my fender mim strat the other day, great for my srv anf Jimi stuff but with any distortion i get alot of noise. I was wondering what pups would help best for this but still get those srv tones

February 15th, 2007, 03:02 PM
....but with any distortion i get alot of noise.
Describe the noise you're getting.

February 15th, 2007, 03:05 PM
Buzzing, on the bridge and neck, not on the combo becuase they have noisecancelers if im not mistaken but yeah just the standrad buzz not really loub but is anoying

February 15th, 2007, 03:15 PM
Just some suggestions....try another cord, play in the hum cancelling positions 2 and 4, turn down the gain a little, try sheilding and grounding it better...or just get used to it, its a Strat thats kinda what they do(in the 1,3&5 switch possitions).

February 15th, 2007, 03:28 PM
The in between positions on your Strat should be hum cancelling. If it doesn't get significantly quieter in those 2 positions then you may have something outside of the guitar causing the noise. It could also be a grounding problem. So be sure to make sure the wire that runs through the guitar to the tremolo claw in the back is securely soldered. Shielding the pickguard will help also. We have a thread somewhere that discusses that.

When you experience excessive noise try rotating yourself and the guitar in a 360 circle. If the noise quits in 2 specific places then you may be getting excessive electromagnetic interference from your home wiring.

Strats are noisy for the most part, but get even more so in high gain settings. It's something most of us live with or don't go high gain. Options, if it is your pickups causing all the noise, can be Fender Noiseless, Kinnman Noiseless, Dimarzio Noiseless, or Lace pickups. You'll spend quite a bit to change to any of these so look for other solutions first unless you just have money to burn. And if you do have money to burn my address is....

February 15th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Yah, its not a huge problem its only on the 1 3 5 stetting and i guess its normal I was just wondering if those pickups would sovle it but thanks for the other sollutions.

February 15th, 2007, 07:16 PM

And of you're playing in a room with fluorescent lighting, find another place to practice!