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View Full Version : Tele tone on a Strat?

February 21st, 2007, 10:56 PM
I have a Strat-type custom guitar that has a H-S-H configuration, and I use the BOSS GT-8 multi-effects/amp modeler. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to get close to the Tele sound from my bridge humbucker. The pickup I have is very trebly, but not really twangy. Is there any kind of replacement pickup I could get that would make it sound more like a Tele? Or is there any kind of settings on my GT-8 that would help get close to that tone? Any other ideas? Thanks.

February 21st, 2007, 11:08 PM
I'm not familiar with the GT-8 <drool>, but my Digitech RP-80 has a single-coil simulator setting for 'buckers. Gets my bridge p'up close to sounding like a tele, especially using a blackface amp model... but not as close as I'd ultimately like (still gassing for a Tele).

Failing the single coil sim, you could look at "splitting" or "tapping" the 'bucker into a single coil, if possible with the existing p'up, or replacing it with one that can be tapped.

With the processing power of the GT-8, you should be able to dial in something close to Tele twang.

Or save some time and just buy a second guitar - Tele of course :D

February 22nd, 2007, 02:39 PM
What about a backplate for your single coil? And just use that when you wanna twang.

Or just dial in your modeler, use your single coil or even a combo of the neck and single coil....but if you search online you should be able to find a "patch library" for your specific modeler. Ive got an Digitech RP200 and my Vox AD30...and both of those have extensive libraries that have been very helpful. AND you can ususally print out the peramiters for safe keeping just incase you have to do a master reset or anything else that might cause you to lose your favorite settings.